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Research On Legal Protection Of Consumers’ Right To Know In Online Trading

Posted on:2014-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330425979391Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To put it simply, online trading is a form of trade which’s completed on theInternet.Online trading gets rid of the constraints of time and space which are still on thetraditional trading, and develops rapidly with the popularity of personal computer and Internettechnology. However, due to the virtual feature of online trading environment, theinformation asymmetry situation which exists in the traditional market worsenedfurther.Consumers’ right to know is more vulnerable to the aggression, this condition willresult in a large number of disputes of online trading. In order to protect the fairness andjustice of online trading, as well as the long-term development of online trading, theaggression on consumers’ right to know should not be ignored.There are two sides to the present situation of consumers’ right to know in online trading.The first one is the falsity information of goods and services, the other one is fraudulent creditevaluation. On the basis of false information, consumers can never make rational judgment,disputes of online trading can hardly be avoided. However, the law on the protection ofconsumer rights and interests of our country is aimed at regulating the consumer relations inthe traditional market, which can not meet the special needs of the protection of consumers’right to know in online trading obviously. Based on comprehensive investigation of practicaldifficulties and legislative status, the writer makes some suggestions for founding a newsystem of the legislation about protection of consumers’ right to know in online trading whichmeet the demands of the development of online trading.The whole thesis is about27,000words and divided into four parts as following:The first part is a brief introduction of consumers’ right to know in online trading. It ismainly focused on the definition of online trading and consumers’ right to know in onlinetrading, the history of consumers’ right to know, the differences between consumers’ right toknow in online trading and which of the traditional trading.The second is the analysis of the necessity of special protection of consumers’ right toknow in online trading. This part focuses on the theoretic foundation of consumers’ right toknow, and the place of consumers’ right to know in the whole rights system as well as theeffect of consumers’ right to know on online economic develop continuously and healthily,explains the necessity of protecting of consumers’ right to know in online trading. The third part points out the current situation of consumers’ right to know in onlinetrading. This part analyses the major problems which consumers’ right to know in onlinetrading has to face, then discusses some problems existing in law articles and offers someviews.The final part concentrates on the perfection of consumers’ right to know in onlinetrading. This part starts from the present situation investigation on the current situation ofconsumers’ right to know in online trading, the writer presents some related strategies aboutperfection of consumers’ right to know in online trading, such as perfecting the obligation ofdisclosing information and perfecting credit evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:online trading, consumers’ right to know, legal protection
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