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Research Of Legal System On The Pledge Of Intellectual Property

Posted on:2015-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, China has achieved remarkable social and economic development,knowledge and technology are at the forefront of the world, its share of the socialwealth positions of increasing importance in society but also to a wide range ofapplications, its role is nothing compared to some of the material wealth. But mostpeople are only concerned about the situation created by the use of the value ofintellectual property itself, without attention to its security value. China’s current"Property Law" Pledge to determine the intellectual property regime provides fortrademark right, patent rights can be transferred, the property can be set in copyrightpledge. But now, China’s current legal provisions for IPR pledge not detailed, the lackof maneuverability, plus the existence of a guarantee greater risks than are willing toaccept the pledgee intellectual setting pledge, led to the current application IPRpledge to achieve financing conditions set relatively small.The first chapter introduces the basic overview of the intellectual property rightquality, right from the concept of intellectual property quality, describes theintellectual property right quality unique characteristics. The second chapter describesthe structure of the system of intellectual property right quality. The third chapterfocuses on the quality of intellectual property rights in the process of setting its ownintellectual property risks, risks pledgor and pledgeee of the analyzes. The fourthchapter on how to reduce the risk prevention and control of existing intellectualproperty chapter three, put forward some problems that exist in the current IPR pledgeput forward some suggestions to improve the legal and institutional level, in order toachieve in practice and ultimately improve IPR pledge applications, to stimulatemarket activity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intellectual Property, Pledge, Legal Risk
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