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Research Guangzhou Itinerant Traders Manage Civilized Law Enforcement Issues

Posted on:2015-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330422982883Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of urbanization, a large number of foreign workers and peasants intothe cities, urban itinerant traders appear inevitable, and the number of itinerant tradersincreased year by year. There are a lot of itinerant traders affected the social normal traffic,economic order, undermining the appearance of the city and sanitation, and brought trouble tothe city administration. Itinerant traders management has always been a problem inGuangzhou city administration. Guangzhou previous management of itinerant traders are torude, simple confiscation, fines and other rigid means mainly belong to the rigid management,violence from time to time. Beginning in2009, the Guangzhou city administration advocatecivilized law enforcement, all administrative law enforcement tools and the right way, try tomake itinerant traders, people and society are recognized by law enforcement, trying to createa harmonious and civilized management atmosphere. But a few years s ince theimplementation of civilized law enforcement, work thinking remains unclear, manydifficulties in the implementation process, it is difficult to start the actual work also failed toachieve the desired results. This paper attempts to flexible management theory, discusses therole of management and the feasibility of introducing flexible Guangzhou city management.By reference to the practice of advanced domestic and flexible management of urbanmanagement, combined with the actual situation of the local Guangzhou, flexiblemanagement more effective integration among civilized law enforcement, social managementflexibility to propose specific measures to indicate the specific work plans and workingmethods of civilized law enforcement, Let civilized law enforcement to effectively expandthe Canton itinerant traders managed to enhance the quality of work.Firstly, the use of literature research, literature and civilized law enforcement to collect,collate and analyze the results of previous studies of e ffective management methods. Second,the use of interviews conducted interviews with members of city inspectors about theirunderstanding of itinerant traders manage civilized law enforcement, as well as problems.Then with a flexible management theory of social civilization and law enforcement guidanceand supplementary analyzes itinerant traders and civilized law enforcement problems: theexistence of the traditional management concepts in the law enforcement body, the negative part of the law enforcement team of law enforcement issues, while subject to environmentallaws and regulations, enforcement can be based and lack of law enforcement protection, lawenforcement procedures,"three-pronged" phenomenon prominent law enforcement isdifficult to avoid the conflict, chaos challenges itinerant traders hawking young, group,mechanization, violence, enterprise, trend brings downtown, urban management imagedemonized, constraints on management powerless minority and other objective reasons. AndAnalysis: law enforcement personnel access system and training system is imperfect, there isa deviation concept of law enforcement, legislative lag, government guidance, lack ofsupervision system, the government and civilized law enforcement lack of publicity. Suggestimprovements: law-enforcement approach to deepen the concept of civilized law enforcement,improve the overall quality of law enforcement personnel, the establishment of personnelaccess system and training system, improvement of legislation, a sound syste m of civilizedlaw enforcement, strengthen law enforcement supervision and accountability, strengthenpublicity mobile vendors to provide legitimate business establishments.
Keywords/Search Tags:City administration, Civilized law enforcement, Itinerant traders, Flexiblemanagement
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