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Research On Improving The Road Traffic Management Countermeasures In Yangjiang

Posted on:2015-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330422982871Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Road traffic management is an important part of public management of the government.Many economic and social development regions and cities are committed to research on roadtraffic management, through the law and scientific management in order to achieve safe,smooth, convenient and environmentally friendly overall goal.With the process of modernization and urbanization continuing to accelerate the pace,Yangjiang Volkswagen has entered the consumer era. Currently, the development of roadtraffic has been unable to meet the rapidly increasing demand for transport, road traffic hasincreasingly become the community hot issues of common concern. The causes of roadtraffic problems are many, just by urban transport planning, construction and otherengineering measures to solve the traffic problems are very limited, therefore, improvingtraffic management has become an essential way to solve the traffic problems, and as acomprehensive management,traffic management requires high efficiency management tools.It is proved by practice at home and abroad that enhancing road traffic management is aneffective measure to improve traffic conditions and ease the traffic pressure..Based on the above understanding, this paper based on the investigation and analysis ofroad management in Yangjiang, studied the existence and problems on Yangjiang road trafficmanagement, found and identified the source of problems in Yangjiang road trafficmanagement; at the same time, compared with domestic and foreign road traffic developedtypical area and city, learned from the successful traffic management experiences of the areaand city,put forward countermeasures to improve road traffic management in Yangjiang,inthe hope of exploring a new way to solve the road traffic management problems in Yangjiang.
Keywords/Search Tags:Road, Traffic Management, Yangjiang
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