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The Title Character Of Tchaikovsky’s "Four Seasons"

Posted on:2017-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G LuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the second half of the 19 th century, Russia was from the shackles of feudal czar military Empire to modern civilized society evolution period, in the historical trend of the promotion, creating a many a heart for countries seeking liberation road to artists, revolutionary. At the same time, the influence of literature,music and art in the Russian enlightenment thought and democratic thought, has opened a page of the Russian nation. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s "four seasons" was written in 1876. Its subtitle is "the character depicting twelve picture", in western romantic music with its unique artistic style and skills is paid attention to by the people. In addition, in form, combination of music and poetry, music depicts the artistic image, forming with the aesthetic characteristics of artistic synesthesia,exudes a strong Russian art, for Russian music culture and world culture has made a valuable contribution, and has a strong meaning and realistic meaning. To Tchaikovsky’s piano divertimento "four seasons" unique literature as the starting point, using the method of literature research and analysis of the music form, to "four seasons" twelve songs is representative of piano ditty for the systematic and in-depth analysis, and hope that through of Tchaikovsky "s" four seasons "playing practice and research analysis, and provides certain reference and the model for future performing the works of the performer, and applied in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Four Seasons, Creative Style, Title Character
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