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Research Of Yu Hua And His Literature Works’ Spread In Russia

Posted on:2017-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H N o v i k o v a A n n a Full Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There is a common opinion among the sinologists that the Chinese modern literature nowadays is one of the least popular foreign literature in Russia. In this research was made an attempt, by using Chinese modern author Yu Hua and the context of his popularity in Russia as a leading way, to understand reasons and find some ways to improve the situation. As the the previous researches of related topic were concentrating on the analyzing the Chinese authors’works as literature pieces itself, author dedicated to change the direction and research the spreading spreading aspect. For those means there were several ways adopted to reach the result, like literature review, context study and internet survey to deeply understand the social background and the reader’s interests’aspects towards modern Chinese literature.During the research authors faced following patterns:1. There is the stereotype among Russian readers about Chinese literature as all of it being ancient and communism oriented.2. Regardless that the most of the responders didn’t face any problem reading Yu Hua’s works, there still is the common opinion that Chinese literature is difficult to understand.3. Among the readers there is a big range in their age, but most of them are connected with China.4. The one of the main reasons Yu Hua became famous is his rebel reputation abroad.5. The piece "China in ten words" could perfectly fill in the pattern of readers having a tendency reading about China, instead of taking it as enjoyable literature piece.6. The most popular episodes of Yu Hua works are describing the Great Cultural Revolution, aggressiveness, and parts where the author explains sensitive topics of Chinese society.7. There is a problem faced by readers to understand what the Chinese literature is and what pieces are reliable and which are not.8. One of the other reasons influenced popularity of Yu Hua is a rapid interest to Mo Yan, which got recently popular in Russia.9. And as the biggest aspect of low popularity of Chinese works author sees the lack of information provided to readers and especially the absence of any convenient searching service.As possible ways to improve the situation author gives following suggestions:increase amount of genres in translations; the media had to aim changing reader’s stereotypes; enforce the government ideological and financial support; provide better communication between two countries in the literature communication direction; create a convenient and knowledgeable platform to provide readers with information and help them search and sort out the existent works of Chinese literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu Hua, Russia, Literature, Spreading
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