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The Study Of Art Schema-Concept Definition And Application Of Theory

Posted on:2017-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488995599Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is the basic theory of art, summarizing the structural feature of the art scheme from the two parts.The first part is the introduction, from the philosophy of aesthetics, psychology, semiotics and other disciplines to discuss the common of the art schema. The second part is the specific theory, discussing schema plays a different role in art in the generation, propagation from the artistic image, communication arts, artistic conception level, and then analysis image schema, the schema of transmission, psychological schema in the schema framework of art personality characteristics.The original intention of the study is to clearly define the basic meaning of the concept of art schema. The reason is that the concept of "schema" was seen in the literature of many art classes, but the interpretations of this concept are quite different.Therefore, the first problem needs to solved is to define the concept of schema and art schema. Through arranging schema theory from generation to development, perfection and application, author presents the the basic concept of art schema, and the possibility of art schema theory to guide the practice of art. Secondly, after defining the basic concepts, I analyze the role of Schema Theory in the application of art practice, through the contrast between the art schema and the basic concepts of the "picture", "style" and "art language", etc. Finally, through analyzing the relationship between image schema, transmission of schema, psychological schemata, I explain the basic structure of the forming process of art schemata, and analyze the basic operation rules of art schemata.Through the explanation of the definition of art schema and basic operation rules, this paper aims to make a bridge between external research and ontology research from a wide perspective, combining the Chinese and Western art research method, and interpret works of art and artistic phenomena from the perspective of the schema. As a part of the research of the basic theory of art, the research of art schema is the basic unit of the system of the theory of art. At the same time, schema has a structural role in the art world. Schema can be regarded as the smallest unit of artworks and art theory, but also the decisive factor of the final form of the art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Schema, Image, Communication, Psychology, Generation
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