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Study On Literary Thoughts Of If On A Winrer’s Night, A Traveller

Posted on:2017-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z JiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488982905Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Italo Calvino(1923-1985),who is a contemporary writer in Italy,is famous for his varied creative writing style, fancy imagination, skillful narrative technique and optimistic humanistic care.If on a winter’s night, a Traveller,created in 1979,combined characteristics of 20th literary,is full of pluralism and also thinking about a lot of problems in a mixed way.This novel is still last Calvino’s characteristics of good at telling stories,and it also reflects the essence of Calvino as a writer.This paper will on the basis of analysis of the plot and the characters of the novel to mining on the topic of literature,supplementing Calvino’s literary thoughts on the basis of reading novel,on the other hand, from another point of view to better interpret the text.This paper is divided into three chapters.The first chapter studys Calvino’s thought about the existence and creation of the contemporary writers based on the image of Flannery and story all around him,through these we can see Calvino do not only think the problems of writing crisis, the spiritual predicament, and the responsibility of the author in this profession from outside,but also thinking from inside to give us some writing skills,which it will be seen in the following work Six Memosfor the Next Millennium.The second chapter is mainly about the author’s thinking about the reader.From author’s emotional tendency on the three kinds of literary consumers of the spirit, ideology and material to see Calvino’s ideal reader is a spiritual reader by the combination of the rational guide of the entertainment and the aesthetic reading,and identifies with literature on the material consumption is a reasonable supplement to the spiritual,at the same time,criticizes the ideology of the reading consumers. Specific to the text creation,it emphasizes the interaction between readers,writers and texts,and the important role of the reader’s expectation on the meaning generation of the text,therefore, in the novel, a hybrid person narrative is made,and the "female readers"is set to guide writer.The third chapter talks about the author’s thinking on the relationship between the work and the universe.The novel believes that the existence of the text in the real world is fragile and uncertain,other factors such as media and politics will change the form and content of the text,but it can’t be a pessimistic attitude towards literature.Literature has the necessary value of its existence,as the text written in turn will reflect the dynamic of the real world,the reader obtains indirect experience in the process of reading,and the content of the text changes and influences the thinking and consciousness of the human brain all will create a new and better individual.And the writing intention and novel set of cassette structure has a close contact.Conclusion part summarizes the full text,finding this novel embodies the spirituality and materiality of literature at the same time.The author shows the process from the complementary to the identical then to the deviate of the relationship between literature and universe,and thinks through the pursuit of the infinite possibility of writing can make up for the constraints of the material world of literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:If on a Winter’s Night,a Traveller, writer, reader, work, universe
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