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A Report On The Translation Of Life Among The Chinese (Chapter 14) And Journeys In North China (Chapter 6 & 10)

Posted on:2017-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is based on the translation of Life among the Chinese (Chapter 14) and Journeys in North China (Chapter 6&10). The book Life among the Chinese tells about preaching works of priest R.S Maclay in China. It describes broadly and deeply the insights into Chinese geography, history, foreign affairs, religions and so on. Moreover, it records accurately and fully the difficulties they met in preaching, establishing churches and schools in Fuzhou. Journeys in North China details the preacher Alexander Williamson’s experiences in northern China, including his observation on geography, civilization, transportation and so on. The two books have become a new force to promote the research of western sinology.The part of author’s translation mainly talks about some incidents in daily life in China, and records local customs and practices in some area of China. In plain language, the two books focus on recording and supplementing with discuss. Based on the feature of the books, the author decides to adopt Skopos Theory as a guide for translation. Skopos Theory emphasizes on the aim of translation that decides which strategy should be adopted in translation. This report emphasizes on the analysis of the translation under the guidance of Skopos Theory.In "Case Analysis", key of this report, the author follows the following steps. First, classifying and summarizing problems encountered in the process of translation. Then, considering which strategy is to be adopted to analyze this kind of problem under the guidance of Skopos Theory, and finally figuring out a proper translation. In this part, the author classifies the translating strategies used in the process of translating (including literal translation, free translation, omission, addition and sentence reconstruction and etc.), and lists typical words and sentences as cases to analyze, presenting the process of thinking while translating.At the end of this report, the author makes a summary on the task of translating and reporting, accumulating experience for translating similar materials about Chinese culture in the future; moreover, the author points out some shortcomings in translating and making report, targeting efforts to be made in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:English-Chinese Translation, Skopos Theory, translation strategies
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