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Poetics Study On Yuefu Poems In Middle Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2017-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ShanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488954918Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Yuefu" which originally consisted of the peom,music and connotation was an artistic entirety caused by source material.The separation of Yuefu poems basically finished in Middle Tang Dynasty. During this period,Yuefu got a great development. And also gained a significant position in the history of ancient Chinese poetry.However, today’s research on Yuefu poems almost focus on the period of Han Wei and Six Dynasties. Famous poets,like Liba, Zhangji and Baijuyi, are the hot point of research commonly.This paper will try to perform a discussion about Middle Tang Dynasty’s Yuefu poetry study from the aspects of documents, institutions, principles, the history, styles and Bai-Juyi’s New Yuefu poems.Finally, its aim at solving several controversial academic problems.The three chapters of this paper are as following:Chapter One sorts out the recording situation of all kinds of poetry anthologies, and compilings poems that are not collected in the book "The collection of Yuefu poems" by Guo Maoqian.Chapter two researches on the institutions, the history and the style of Yuefu poems of Middle Tang Dynasty.The first section of chapter two summarizes the background of Yuefu poems of Middle Tang Dynasty form the musical institutions and activities during that period.The governors of Middle Tang Dynasty tried to recover the flourishing system of etiquette and music,and retrieves the past flourishing and prosperity. The second section summarizes the poetry style of different periods in Middle Tang Dynasty, which is returning to ancients early and seeking innovations later.This section also deals with the argument of "The Movement of New Yuefu poems". This academic debate reflects the wave of research on New Yuefu poems, and has become an object of study on the research of Yuefu history. The third section focus on the poetry style. It affirms that the poem Qin Zhongyin belongs to Yuefu style. Besides, according to the discussion of Jueju with Yuefu titles, the writer summarizes that Yuefu poems titled with "Ci" are popular in Middle Tang Dynasty relying on the popular tune at that time. This kind of poems have weak musicality and exist as the form of tunes or texts. Chapter three is a monographic study on Bai Juyi’s New Yuefu poems. This chapter tries to solve the problems of the titling style and sentence pattern of New Yuefupoems.The titling style of Bai Juyi’s New Yuefu Poems follows The Book of Songs.The sentence which is the model of The Nineteen Ancient Poems is added by others instead of the original contents of Bai Juyi’s New Yuefu Poems. The sentences formed by 3-3-7pattern in Bai Juyi’s new Yuefu Poems come from the traditional Yuefu and folk songs. Bai Juyi’s creative objective is to change the weak poetry style on royal Yuefu poems and to revive the traditional system of rites and music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle Tang Dynasty, Yuefu Poetics, Bai Juyi, New Yuefu poems
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