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Study On The Phenomenon Of West Guangnan Province Human Trafficking In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2017-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488494781Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since long process of social development in ancient China,the phenomenon of human trafficking had always existed, showing different characteristics in different periods and different regions. Comparing to the Song Dynasty, human trafficking in West Guangnan province was typical in the frontier and ethnic areas, which could be seen from one side of the corresponding situation at this regional society and the governance characteristics of Song government.Activity human trafficking in West Guangnan province did not only have its historical origin, but also related to the change of the social environment in the Song Dynasty. On the one hand.although banned by the ancient regime,the phenomenon of body mortgage still existed, and showing the trend of further development.on the other hand,with changing the hunting economy to agricultural economy into the Song dynasty,emnic areas increased the demand for labor, but its bad natural environment is difficult to attract immigrants. The people had to rely on the sale of labor. At the same time, facing the plight and needs after independence, Vietnam smuggled sold population through a variety of ways from West Guangnan province. Combining this factors, phenomenon of West Guangnan province human trafficking in the Song Dynasty showed many characteristics, involving people of different classes as Human traffickers and many people as slave and wide range of Trading area and cross-border trade.There ware many different social groups participating the activities of West Guangnan province human trafficking in the Song,including State Bureaucrats,tribal chief,Human traffickers and so on.Among them,state bureaucrats mainly engaged in the sale of people.the tribal chief would according to their own situation to buy and sale of the population. The human traffickers are mainly responsible intermediary and transportation of the sale.The population who sold, composed of the lower countrymen and Burakumin.A variety of reasons why they were sold were body mortgage,plundered and sold themselves in different situations.The land and sea trafficking routes extend from the mainland to Vietnam, forming a relatively complete system of sales network. The population who sold was mainly used in the fields of production and daily service, and sometimes involving military and political activities.Most sold people became the centralized management of the serfs and their children live together with the tragic fate.Few sold people through personal or other reasons succeeded to become a member of the ruling class among the local society.For the phenomenon of West Guangnan province human trafficking, the Song government not only took legal blow and limit, but also a series of specific measures to deal with.the Song government took the severe penalties for trafficking and smuggling actively rescue and resettlement of the staff that was sold at the same time, and abolishing exorbitant taxes and balancing finance, in order to reduce the bankruptcy of ordinary people and to limit the spread of the body mortgage.The Song government diplomatically trying to control this phenomenon through cooperation with Vietnam for the border human traffickers. It should be said that these policies and measures have achieved some success in certain areas, but did not fundamentally solve this problem.the phenomenon of West Guangnan province human trafficking in the Song accelerated the differentiation of local ethnic areas and disrupted the Song government rule in local and caused the fluctuation of relations between Song Dynasty and Vietnam. From a historical point of view, the phenomenon of population trade has an important influence on the social development and ethnic relations in Guangxi area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, West Guangnan province, population business
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