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A Study Of Three People’s Principles Argument About Wang Puppet Regime

Posted on:2017-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D G LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488484670Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On December 29th,1938, Wang Ching-wei published "The Yan Telegram"and surrendered to Japan. Wang and his adherents want to establish a new regime.In order to ensure its legitimacy, Wang Ching-wei and his follows defend their treason in the name of the Three People’s Principles. The theory of Three People’s Principles is inclusive, the Kuomintang factions used to castrate the Three People’s Principles when Sun Yat-sen passed away,which competed for the "Party System", as well as Wang Ching-wei Group attempt to bleach the identity of traitors, cope with the stress form Japan and eliminate "New Democratic"of the North China puppet regime.That’s why Wang Ching-wei group take advantage of the Three People’s Principles.Wang Puppet Group distort the Sun Yat-sen’s nationalism into "Pan Asianism"when they explain the nationalism, satisfying the Japan’s needs.Wang Puppet regime believed that China would be failure in the war against Japan,they misinterpret the Sun Yat-sen’s words that "survival is basis of nation", so the act of surrendering is dressed as a "owed" of "preserve" national.Wang Puppet regime extended out "Pan-Asianism is a cosmopolitanism" by using the Sun Yat-sen’s words of "Nationalism is the doctrine for national salvation".Therefore,they got a conclusion that "Pan-Asianism is the nationalism",which is the extension of nationalism over a larger range.Wang Puppet modify the Pan-Asian beyond recognition,which become entirely the synonymous with "New Order in East Asia"of Japan. Under the discourse of Wang Puppet’s "Pan-Asianism", "East Asian Union" and the evil "Greater East Asia War" is to be interpreted as a practice of Sun Yat-sen’s Pan-Asianism.On the Six pseudo Kuomintang’s Congress,Wang Ching-wei proposed to "implement constitutional",essentially as a strategy against Chongqing. Under the influence of "the new system movement" in Japan, the puppet regime trumpeted "central forces," and proposed "one party, one doctrine, one leader" as the center, preaching one-party rule and personal centralization. Democracy of Sun Yat-sen is altered into fascism by Wang Ching-wei Group.In the interpretation of the Principle of People’s Livelihood, the pseudo regime apply the political concept of "totalitarianism" to the economic field, putting forward to establish a "totalitarian planned economy",which is actually controlled economy. They advocated "complementarity" and "Sino Japanese economic coattails", for which white the signed traitorous pact. Wang puppet regime established "the Central Reserve Bank", issuing new notes to obtain legal tender, in order to support its economic needs and "Blood transfusion" for Japan’s war of aggression.The puppet government enacted many regulations on price stability, but the effect was small, the price was still high. In the land rectifying,the regulations were in violation of regulations imposed,or no effect.Under the banner of "People’s Livelihood",these three economic policies, the one is to cover up the plot of plundering, the latter two have no effect in the implementation due to the reasons of Wang puppet itself.The Wang puppet regime of the Three People’s Principles is a typical case of distorting the Sun Yat Sen’s Three People’s Principles, which has only the surface association with the name "Sun Yat Sen".The behavior of the puppet theft Three People’s Principles was to be severely criticized and exposed by the government of Chongqing and the Chinese Communist Party.Due to different political stand, their own interests and determination of Anti Japanese War, Chongqing and the Chinese Communist Party reflect the different political demands on how to realize the Three People’s Principles. Relying on the same soil,the Chongqing government and the puppet regime are essentially the same proposition in the interpretation of civil rights.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Puppet Regime, The Three Principles Of The People, Argument
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