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Study Of Unearthed Status And Function Of Bronze Mirrors In Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2017-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
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In this paper,the study object is bronze mirror in tombs,involving 69 tombs,including 31 chronology tombs,containing a total of 91 bronze mirror. The study material is scientific and evidence-based,which have burial environment. Based on the burial environment,we commit to study the different functions in different status and explore the funeral customs, social values and hierarchy behind it.The first part is an introduction. Firstly, define the concepts involved in the art –icle;secondly, summarize the research status of the Tang Dynasty bronze mirror;finally, describe method,idea, innovation and insignificance of the study.The second part is the unearthed state study of Tang Dynasty bronze mirrors. The first section is unearthed position about bronze mirror in tombs,in coffin or outer coffin,containing the head,chest,waist,feet,corridor,and niche. In this case, we have a overall grasp of the proportion about bronze mirrors in every stage of the Tang Dynasty. The second section is combination relations about bronze mirrors and funerary objects. It have three areas:(1) with the trimming dressing objects;(2) with the lifestyle objects;(3) with a pair of scissors and other sharp weapons. It is important to explore the different roles of bronze mirrors further. The third section is place of bronze mirrors in tombs,including ribbon,fabric wrap,putting in the dressing tray and with frame.In addition,size,decoration,shape,and broken can not be ignored except the location and placement.The third part is the different functions about bronze mirrors in different unearthed states. The first section discusses the bronze mirrors with trimming dressing and lifestyle objects,having ribbon,wrapped with bag,inside the dressing box, placing nearby mirror frame. Their main features are practical. The second section has two parts: "Bronze Mirror own evil nature" and snips "get rid of evil". We determine bronze mirror nearby scissors and chest function is guard tomb and ward off evil. In third section, we describe bronze mirror function nearby the waist. In next part,we summarizes the phenomenon of foot mirror simply. Then we analyze the half mirror and know it means a token of affection. "Half Mirror" symbolizes the couple separated, "reunion" means couple separated and then reunited or compound. Finally,summarize function about little bronze mirror in early Tang Dynasty.The fourth part is the study of related issues. The first section is the relationship about the identity of dead and bronze mirror. First of all,analysis of the difference about bronze mirror in family cemetery at different levels,and then summarize its shape,decoration,quantity,technology and other aspects. In addition,analyzes the relationship about individual bronze mirrors and gender,religion of the dead briefly.The fifth part is the conclusion. Generalize the full text view and clarify the main points of the article and insufficient further.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unearthed states, Unearthed positions, Burial objects, Placement, Function
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