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Research On The Source Of Eastern Zhou Period Unearthed Bronze Huai River Region

Posted on:2017-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuanFull Text:PDF
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Bronze Huaihe River Basin has the characteristics of the North-South cultural integration, the Central Plains culture, Chu culture, Wu and Yue culture in each other here, and rooted in the local culture as the basis, evolved into local color and cultural characteristics of the region with the Regional. Bronze is very important position in the history of ancient civilizations, is a symbol of the world civilization, but also is an important carrier of ancient society material and aesthetic ancient society, the level of development of bronze reflect the degree of economic development of a country or region. Huaihe River Basin geo-wide praise, with the progress of time and the development of science and technology, unearthed a large number of bronze, area studied in this paper is mainly divided into the southern part of the Southern region, far away from these two areas, belong to the Huaihe River, the current archaeological information available, not only has the two bronze culture they have in common, there are characteristics of a small area. Since the region during this period unearthed literature material advantages, many archaeologists and scholars basic framework has been erected bronze culture time, but for a certain area, or a vassal state in the region during this period, its bronze characteristics of the development process as well as the source of the problem does not seem very clear. Xinyang area as Fan State Fan State and Group of Shu Tong area of the country, and other countries in the Group of Shu Chu cultural invasion before and after the change of bronze cultural development, whether they have their own bronze workshop, the two regions in the late Spring and Autumn Period Chu was later annexed, is under the political influence of others, bronze to become the most important strategic resource, paper from the bronze shape, composition, decoration, inscriptions, casting and other aspects reflect the local characteristics of the area to explore whether there is independent production capacity bronzes. Bronze Culture on behalf of the regional independence, whether each country has its own independent party bronze bronze culture of its regional workshop to make judgments. In the absence of copper found in the ruins of the case, from the shape, decoration, casting analyzed in terms of its independence it can also become one of the ways.This paper first chapter describes the spatial and temporal scope of the study, combined with the results of previous studies analyze the situation, introduce theoretical study undertaken, methods and research purposes, presented a problem. Eastern Zhou period of time, spatial extent to the Huaihe River Basin in South Henan and Anhui-based, including the south of Henan Province Tongbai region, centered in Xinyang Huangchuan, Luoshan and Gushi region. Anhui Lu’an area including the center of Huaining, Shucheng, Shou, fertilizer West region.The second chapter in the southern part of Anhui unearthed bronze device according to a brief introduction of each group, unearthed bronze type and quantity of the Eastern Zhou Period in the basin has greatly improved compared with the Western Zhou Dynasty, over time, archaeological finds and literature also constantly expand and update. This paper studies the southern part of the bronze group are: Henan Huangchuan Gushi Wan Camp Hill M1, Henan Luoshan tomb, the tomb of Luoshan high shop, Xinyang Pingxi M1, M2, Tongbai Moon River M4, M22, Tongbai Church bells and drums M1, Xinyang Pingxi M5, Xinyang, the Hong Kong mills, Tongbai Moon River M1, Gushi Wan camp Hill M2, Hou Gushi gudui M1. Wannan main bronze group are: Shucheng Phoenix mouth, Feixi Jinniu, Xie Long Spring kiln Tongling, Anhui Huaining, cursory Kong Lu’an, Shucheng estuary, Feixi small Bali, Shou Xiao Yan Lake, Bengbu double pier M1, Fengyang Bian Zhuang M1.Chapter III The combination bronze class, the stage characteristics and morphological evolution will feature bronze inscriptions in the southern part of the group is divided into five, bronze Wannan area divided into four phases. That spring and early Spring and Autumn Period partial early, mid and late spring and late Spring and Autumn and Warring States period and early; early spring and artifacts of a multiple inherited the legacy of the Zhou Dynasty, Ding Ding is erect ears straight leg, washbasin with a tubular handle longer flow, high enough; Spring and Autumn Period Ding anterior abdominal gradually flat, belly gradually shallow dish, washbasin with a tubular handle foot grow shorter; Spring and Autumn Period and late Ding abdomen nearly flat, clubfoot is more developed, the maximum diameter of the pot gradually obvious; the more obvious changes in shape occur late Spring and Autumn artifacts, mostly Chu style bronzes, Fuer top lid, flat washbasin with a tubular handle, beam lifting He is more common; the early Warring States gradually tripod leg straight, more refined ornamentation.The fourth chapter is based on the third chapter of the southern part of the diachronic cultural factors are introduced, including the southern part of the country Fan, Huang, Fan country, raising the country and region in Southern Group of Shu States. And from decoration, shape, composition, and bronze inscriptions, etc., by comparison, very local characteristics of the basin shape or decoration objects set out. Analysis found that the basin unearthed a large number of bronze in many places all with a particular feature or features, such as Mrs. Fan tomb inscriptions written form Xinyang copper statue sacrifice Pingxi the M5, Hou Gushi heap of ancient artifacts such as modeling and decoration that South Henan bronze in many ways have a certain regional.In the fifth chapter of the Southern region as the center of Lu’an bronzes analyzed Shu culture of the group, due to the Southern region have fewer inscriptions unearthed bronze, the author from the shape, decoration and casting up to explore the source of problems in the region, Shu City and regional animal Huaining first tripod unique shape, Lu’an cursory Kong Ge type of Fengyang He and Bian Zhuang peach type washbasin with a tubular handle are rare in other parts of the shape, Bengbu Shuangdun into phase analysis found that the area artisans bronze mechanical properties and processing have been quite understanding, has mastered the high tin bronze forging techniques.The sixth chapter is the conclusion, by analyzing observations of the parties at the national and late Bronze Bronze Chu Huai River Basin has a certain commonality in the decoration, shape, such as Tongbai Moon River estuary and Shucheng Xie Long Spring kiln bronze burglary curved lines like a decoration on dies out, the shape, decoration, inscription and the casting process, a large number of tombs of the Eastern Zhou period in the basin of bronze exhibit more regional style, such as camp Hill Gushi Wan plate and four ears Lu’an cursory Kong’s trap-shaped mouth Ge He and the like. Accordingly, the article concludes that the State parties to the Huaihe River is likely to come from the Bronze locally.Chapter VII is the conclusion by analyzing observations of the parties at the national and late Bronze Bronze Chu Huai River Basin has a certain commonality in the decoration, shape, such as Tongbai Moon River estuary and Shucheng Xie Long Spring kiln bronze burglary curved lines like a decoration on dies out, the shape, decoration, inscription and the casting process, a large number of tombs of the Eastern Zhou period in the basin of bronze exhibit more regional style, such as camp Hill Gushi Wan plate and four ears Lu’an cursory Kong’s trap-shaped mouth Ge He and the like. Accordingly, the article concludes that the State parties to the Huaihe River is likely to come from the Bronze locally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinyang, Lu an, Regional, bronze ritual
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