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Research On Xu Ke And His Ci

Posted on:2017-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485969111Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xu Ke, an eminent Ci poet, who was active in Shanghai Ci circles during the period of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. He yielded fruitful achievements in both practice and theories of Ci poems. However, the previous study mostly focused on historical documents, Xu Ke’s accomplishments of Ci failed to acquire due attention and study. Faced with the almost blank study, this article concentrates on investigating Xu Ke’s life experience, social intercourse and Ci club activities. And on this basis, the article introduces his works and thoughts on Ci poetry, analyzes the background and content of his Ci poetry, so as to evaluate the feature, achievements, status and influences of Xu Ke’s Ci poetry. This article gets a foothold of studying Xu Ke’s Ci poetry, through which we can acquaint with biographical accounts, social intercourse and ideological situation of Ci poets in Shanghai during that period. This article is absolutely necessary to comprehensively understand and complete history of Ci poetry in the period of the Republic of China.This article can be divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces Xu Ke’s life experience, social intercourse and Ci club activities, taking representative teachers and friends as examples, such as Tan Xian, Kuang Zhouyi and Xia Jingguan. On observation of Ci club activities, Xu Ke participated in several literary communities like Nanshe, Songshe, Chongyinshe and Yishe, thus revealing the features of Shanghai Ci circles during that period.The second chapter mainly introduces and analyses Xu Ke’s anthology of Ci and works on Ci poetry. Principally, clearing and summarizing his thoughts on Ci poetry amongst several works. The third chapter presents general situation of Xu Ke’s works of Ci, classifying his ci poets and explaining the themes, connotation and artistic features of specific ci poets. Eventually, this article makes a brief summary of the study on Xu Ke’s ci poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xu Ke, Chun Fei Guan Ci poetry, Ci in the Republic of China, Ci clubs in the Republic of China
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