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The Ancient Chorographies Of Xuanhua

Posted on:2017-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485968703Subject:Chinese history
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Chorography is an important literature system in China, it overall rec ords the nature, society, politics, economic, culture and other aspects of a certain area in a certain period, where cultural prosperity and have de ep tradition,it must have the tradition that compiling chorographies contin uously. Xuanhua was the ancient Shanggu area in the Qin and Han Dyn asties,and has deep humanism connotation,additional,the local gentry are keen to develop local culture,so Xuanhua gradually formed the chorogra phy system of Xuanhua. From the intact Degree,the well-preserved choro graphies of Xuanhua include Jiajing Xuan Fu Zhen Zhi; Kangxi Xuan Hu a Xian Zhi;Kangxi Xuan Hua Xiang Tu Zhi; Qianlong Xuan Hua Fu Zhi; Minguo Xuan Hua Xian Xin Zhi.This article targets these Chorographies as the object of study,telling the chorographies syetem,the structures,the contents and the documental value in detail.It Mainly include the followin g aspects:The history of the building and the chorographies syetem of Xuanhu a.First, comb the history of the building,make clear the evolutions and th e change of names of Xuanhua.second, discuss the chorographies syete m of Xuanhua,Include author’s introduction,writing motivation,general proc ess,expecting to have a basic understanding of the chorographies.The compilation theories of chorographies of Xuanhua.Studying on lo cal records,at the same time,we must have a basic understanding of the re theories.According to the general view of the academic circles,summar ize the property,the origin and the function that involved in Xuanhua loca I records.then Then comb these theories of records,and guide the next s tudy of chorographies,combine theory with practice.The compiling features of the chorographies of Xuanhua.As the local records in Xuanhua literature.the chorographies of Xuanhua have their o wn characteristics in the compilation.Through studying the chorographies,I ntends to make clear the compiling features of the chorographies of Xua nhua.from three aspect:the flexibility of structures.the changes of content s.and the contemporary spirit.The value of the chorographies of Xuanhua.As the essential informat ion of ancient Xuanhua, the chorographies of Xuanhua have important v alue.From the value of history, they records the contents Localized,Histori cal.and have a wide range.From the value of textual research value.they applied the methods,such as mutual certification,order error,supplement.d oubt.textual research of the territory,officials,schools,and other content.Fro m the value of collation,they revised the recorded errors,doubted and list ed the uncertain information.From the value of collenction,they retained p art of lost documents,have a considerable effect on the collection of thes e documents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xuanfu, Chorography, compiling feature, document value
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