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The Moral Problem And Countermeasures Of The Rural Left Behind Children In The Process Of Urbanization

Posted on:2017-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z QinFull Text:PDF
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Since 1980s, with the deepening of China’s reform and opening up, the process of urbanization has developed rapidly. The rapid development of urbanization, on the one hand, increase the demand for labor, some places even many vacancies, on the other hand, the traditional agricultural economy did not give farmers’ life greatly improved, the majority of farmers desperately needs to change their own economic situation, coupled with a lot of the rural population of the land is levied by the government, farmers lost their land had to choose to work in the city, so, in China in the nineties of the twentieth century began the emergence of a shares of the influx of workers. Migrant workers also bring a series of problems, the child’s upbringing is the most prominent problem. Due to the limitation of China’s urban and rural dual household structure, and the household of the employment, health care, pension, their children to school education, social security welfare system constraints, coupled with the high cost of living in cities, its level of wage income is not high for many reasons, many migrant workers will have to choose their children left home in the countryside, by other family relatives to take care of, which formed the huge group of children remaining in rural areas.Rural left behind children in self consciousness, emotion, coping style, personally relationship, interpersonal relationship, study pressure to adapt to the society, as well as its unique characteristics, the society of rural left behind children’s moral from the perspective of attention degree is not enough, family education, the lack of school education concept of lag and social ethics and moral education culture such as insufficient investment in some of the external objective factors, plus itself vulnerable to temptation to bad effect of internal factors, resulting in a fuzzy moral cognition, moral emotional indifference, moral will of the weak, moral behavior demonstrating.Since CPC Central Committee plenary session proposed to further improve the development system of urban and rural integration mechanism and the party and the government vigorously promote people-oriented integration of urban and rural areas, intensive development path. Among them, and earnestly safeguard the rural left behind personnel and support the basic rights and interests of the migrant workers and their children, promote the integration of urban and rural development key, take the coordinated sustainable new urbanization development path of the necessary criteria and governing for the people of the party and the government of an important manifestation. Solve the moral problem of the children left in the rural areas, we must from the consensus of moral construction, moral construction of care and interaction and moral construction environment formed three dimensions departure: first of all, through the remodeling of rural left behind children’s values and the formation of common ideas, institutional consensus is formed through the strengthening of public policy, capital investment execution; second, the strengthening of rural left behind children’s family education interactive feedback mechanism, and pay attention to shaping the family ethics concern mechanism; finally optimize rural cultural environment, strengthen rural moral construction, to cultivate and solve rural left to keep the moral problem of the children to create a favorable external environment for the moral.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children left behind, urbanization, moral construction, Ethics
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