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Class, Patriotism And Culture:a Research On The Social Memory Of Lu Xun

Posted on:2017-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiFull Text:PDF
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Sociological research on Lu Xun’s social memory is lackluster. This paper uses the theory of social memory, research on "Lu Xun" title of the article in People’s Daily in 1946-2013 by content analysis and text analysis. And do a more in-depth study of Lu Xun’s social image change over the last 70 years. Studies have found that during the 1946-1966 years, Lu Xun was the party’s Warrior and proletarian culture flagman image existed in the People’s Daily; During 1967-1987 years, the social memory of Lu Xun in People’s Daily changed from warrior to Patriots, and the proletarian culture flagman was gradually giving way to representatives of advanced Socialist culture. During this period, culture image of Lu Xun began to be frequently mentioned. During the 1988-2013 years, culture image of Lu Xun won a landslide victory, Lu Xun’s image was frequently used in cultural business and the cultural industry. The changes of Lu Xun’s image in People’s Daily was influenced by domestic politics and social environment. In order to shape the social memory of Lu Xun, memorials, edited works, and constructions of the cemetery were frequently used by Political power This is a supplement to social memory theory on cultural and political idol.In particular, we draw the following conclusions:First, Lu Xun’s image started with heavy political overtones. The warrior image of Lu Xun that shaped by Mao Zedong in Yan’an period won a landslide victory after challenge from Ding Ling and other people. After 1949 year, the image of political Lu Xun was arounded "class warfare". This feature has been extended to around 1980 year, the Cultural Lu Xun only began to prevail. By 1936 year, the image of Lu Xun was unificated as a "warriors of the old world", the Political Lu Xun and the Cultural Lu Xun is a parallel state in a long term. Political image of Lu Xun had been changed from "party warriors" to "patriots"; the Cultural image of Lu Xun had been changed from "proletarian culture bearers" to " Representatives of Socialist advanced culture "; after 2000 year, the image began change to "cultural industry Lu Xun". These changes closely connected with local social and political environment at that time, is a reflection of social reality in social memory.Second, in the process of shaping the image of Lu Xun, commemoration, edited and published works, and the construction of tombs and sculptures was the main means. Memorial, sculptures and tombs of "national presence," stressed in Lu Xun’s image with strong political power colours. So, after the 1980’s, political power began to fade, the re-edit works for reshaping the image of Lu Xun is important aspiration. In cultural Lu Xun times, the Political Lu Xun image is weakening, but commemorations, literary awards, published books of acts in the process of creation of Lu Xun’s image are not different with the Political Lu Xun times.Third, criticized those rejected political people is an important purpose to build "Political Lu Xun". To develop Socialist culture and cultural economy is the core objectives of "Cultural Lu Xun". In times of Political Lu Xun, the People’s Daily was a tool of political propaganda and political interpretation of Lu Xun’s own political struggle for special purpose. In the anti-rightist movement, the cultural revolution and the struggle against Lin Biao and political campaign against the gang of four, Lu Xun is appeared as a political critic. In the new period of socialist economic and cultural development, the image of Political Lu Xun is not adapted to the propaganda goals. At this point, through the reinterpretation of Lu Xun, Lu Xun was given to a new meaning, "Cultural Lu Xun". Cultural industry development is taking everything of economic value of Lu Xun.Forth, results of the paper responded to the current theory of social memory. I think there is still a culture of kelisima power, such power exists in those chosen for political power and cultural character. For the Communist Party of China, Lu Xun’s cultural characters are given with this kelisima type of political power and cultural power. Research about the social memory change of kelisima-cultural powers, is complementary to the current social memory theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Class, Patriotism, Culture, Research on Lu Xun, Social memory
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