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Back In The Early 60s Shi Lu Aesthetic From The Works Of “Autumn Harvest”

Posted on:2017-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly from Shi Lu aesthetic thought in the early 1960 s, in his 1962 "autumn harvest" to analyze the landscape painting works, this period is also Shi Lu the mature period of creation with unique personal style works. Through him as the leading figures in "Chang An painting", in line with "reach out to traditional, hand life" the idea, Begin from the “narrative”performance tend to “lyrical” performance,the subject gradually shifted from the characters to the langscape,to express their feelings,have the courage to explore and innovate the new form of ink performance, to penetrate in the autumn harvest, that he has a unique personality of the landscape painting language form, with lyric, find the beauty of life, true feelings attitude toward life,create a color ink unaware of the Loess Plateau way. Article discusses on his inheritance on traditional pen and ink performance study, understand law of cognition on the tradition of painting, trying to break the tradition,create new programs,form.under the great age of specific social history environment creation belongs to the new pen and ink language to express themselves, the pursuit of "I", to reflect his life and art,tradition and innovation theory research,to put into life, from life to obtain inspiration for artistic creation,with true feeling towards life, gradually emphasizes the subjective expression and ink independent aesthetic thoughts.the mixture also emphasizes the subjective emotion and objective thing,unifies. The author embarks from the "autumn harvest" to discuss Shi Lu attitude towards the traditional painting, how to reform, creating new techniques and new programs, in the 1960 s with the aesthetic value, to analyze the early ’60 s Shi Lu painting aesthetic thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:"autumn harvest", early’60s, Shi Lu, aesthetics, painting language
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