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A Study Of Sim Mow Yu’s Contributions In Chinese Education And Culture In Malaysia

Posted on:2015-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J C h i n K e e n K h e Full Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482952182Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
If a medley of ballads can be a metaphor of Chinese expatriates experiences, then the history of Chinese Education is undoubtedly one of the most passionate yet melancholy track among them and they usually vary with location. In Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines, Chinese Education has almost vanished and can only be considered as history now. Though at present Chinese Education still exists in Malaysia, its survival is not something easily earned. The existence of Chinese Education in Malaysia is fruited by countless efforts, sacrifices and struggles of Malaysian Chinese.In fact, Chinese have a relatively high percentage among the population of Malaysia. At present, the population of 6 millions makes Chinese the second majority ethnic in the country. However, Chinese Education has never being treated fairly in this nation. Ever since the first Chinese school "Five Fortune School" was built in the year 1819,Chinese Education was oppressed during British colonization, devastated during Japanese occupation and discriminated. The path of Chinese Education was never a bed of roses. Thanks to the wholehearted dedication and co-operations of Dong Zong and Jiao Zong, Chinese Education managed to struggle and survive in an extremely unfriendly environment. It is said that the leadership of presidents of Jiao Zong, especially Sim Mow Yu and Lim Lian Geok makes this association stays firm as a cradle of Chinese Education. Hence, one can never ignore these two symbolic leaders’ contributions and sacrifices in the studying Malaysian Chinese Education and Culture.At the age of 21 years old, Sim Mow Yu started his career as an educator in the year 1933. Only in his late years, he resigned from the post as the head master of Chen Zhong Night School when he was 89 years old, therefore putting an end for his teaching profession that lasted over 60 years. This is a definite unmatchable record in the history of Malaysian education. After Lim Lian Geok’s Citizenship and teaching permit was deprived by Malaysian government because of the "Chinese language’s status" issue, Sim Mow Yu started to bear his unaccomplished ambition, that is to fight for Chinese Education. Sim Mow Yu was the president of Jiao Zong for 28 years (1966-1994). He was generally refined as the direct leader of Chinese Education of Malaysia. In Chinese Education of Malaysia, his actual influence was unparalleled among any one else, except for Lim Lian Geok. His life was lived for Chinese Education. His contributions to Chinese Education can be classified as two major components. One of them is nurturing intelligent and running Chinese schools; while the other is defending Chinese Education from threats.Under his leadership, Jiao Zong launched a series of fights for Chinese Language and Culture, including agitation to claim Chinese Language as one of the official language, the establishment of independent university and defending Chinese primary schools from deterioration. Each and everyone of them is absolutely difficult and painstaking. Though his failure often exceeded his success, he never held back. He fought stronger and stronger from each failure. Being a leader, he never excluded himself from any conflicts. He was a sturdy fighter for the multicultural education, and he never compromised. He is definite paragon for the future generations.His calligraphy, diaries of over 52 years, powerful speeches and writing in pursuing justice are excellent materials for studying. Jiao Zong that was once under his leadership has now transformed according to the flow of modernization. He is not covetous of power. He tendered his resignation from the post of president in Jiao Zong for six times. Finally, in the year 1992, when he was 79 years old, he pulled himself out from the election. He contributed his whole lifetime for the development of Chinese Education, thus he is highly appreciated by all Malaysian Chinese.Perhaps someday in the coming future, our descendants can enjoy an absolutely fair treatment and therefore, the fight to defend Chinese Education can finally rest peacefully.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contributions
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