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A Study On The Social Transformation Of The (O|")zal Administration In The 1980s

Posted on:2017-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L B GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482499662Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Turkey is one of the most democratic Islamic countries in the Middle East. It is closely connected with Turkey’s social transformation since 1980s.During Ozal administration, Turkey’s political, economic, cultural and diplomatic policies and practices had undergone profound changes, which embodied Turkish social transformation and political change. This thesis is divided into 3 parts as the following:The first part is the introduction part, including the reasons of selected topic, the research status at home and abroad, the theoretical and practical significance of the paper, and the research technique and innovation.The second part is the body part, encompassing three chapters. The first chapter mainly analyzes the background of Turkish social transition during Ozal administration in the 1980s. Firstly, it introduces Ozal, including his life, career and ideological tendencies. Secondly, it introduces Turkish political, economic and social crisis in the 1970s.Thirdly, this paper introduces the military coup in 1980 and the rule of the military. After the general election in 1983, the Motherland party came to power and restored civil government.The second chapter mainly introduces the basic content of Turkish social transformation during Ozal administration. Politically, Ozal ended the chaos of the multi-party coalition government, stabilized the political situation, and promoted the political democratization process. Economically, import substitution was replaced by the export orientation and Turkey opened economic reform. Culturally, Turkey shifts from the secular nationalism to Islamic nationalism, realized the integration of Turkism-Islamism. Diplomatically, Ozal putted forward the balance of east countries and west countries, emphasized the Islamic solidarity, which marked the transformation of the Turkish foreign policy.The third chapter mainly analyzes the impact of Turkish social transformation. Politically, the political practice realigned the left and right political forces in Turkish politics. The Motherland party tends to decline and other Centre-right parties are rising. Economically, the economic transformation brings the rapid development of economy as well as setting the stage for the next economic crisis. Culturally, the cultural transformation contributes to the revival of Islamic culture and the reshaping of the social morals. Diplomatically, the foreign policy makes Turkey be more western, root in the Middle East and strengthens ties with the Middle East countries.The third part is the conclusion part. It points out that the new transformation in Turkish political, economic, cultural and diplomatic fields during Ozal administration is important to Turkey, which lays a solid foundation for Turkish development in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:(O|")zal Administration, Turkey, Social Transformation
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