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Studies On The Natural Aesthetic Standards Of Wang Wei

Posted on:2017-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LuoFull Text:PDF
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This dissertation aims at researching systematically the natural aesthetic standards of Wang Wei, which on the basis of generalizing the conception of “nature” in Chinese ancient and sketching the development of the natural aesthetic perception in Pre-Qin, Western Han and Eastern Han dynasties, Wei Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties from the whole horizon of combining Wang Wei’s poetry, prose, and theory of painting. And this thesis combine the life story of Wang Wei and the aesthetics thoughts, especially the influence of the Buddhist thoughts and the theory of zen on Wang Wei, and highlight the contemporaneity and historic value of Wang Wei’s natural aesthetic standards through the comparative research with painting theory of Zong Bing.The “moral analogy”(Bi De) in Pre-Qin period and the “smoothing spirit”(Chang Shen) in Wei Jin southern and northern dynasties, which laid the historical development foundation of the natural aesthetics standards for Wang Wei. The performance of “Kong Ling” to the natural scenery is the main feature of Wang Wei’s natural aesthetics, the beauty of ethereal silence, homeopathy and transcendence are embodied in the poetry of Wang Wei. “Appreciating the image for cleaning heart” is the core of Wang Wei’s natural aesthetic thoughts, his poetry, prose, and painting theory show the requirements to "clean heart" and "Qing Miao" of aesthetic subjects and taking the ideas seriously in creating the habitat of poetry, prose and painting.The natural aesthetic standards of Wang Wei is closely related to his life experiences and Buddhism thought, his natural aesthetic standards is not only the comprehending of the Buddhism thoughts and Zen in northern and southern dynasties, but also the reflection of his life experience in the artistic creation. Wang Wei is belong to the Tang dynasty, the communication of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and the zeitgeist of multiethnic fusion in Tang dynasty created Wang Wei, his natural aesthetic standards is a typical of Chinese ancient traditional philosophical wisdom. His natural aesthetic standards contains closeness, harmony between human beings and nature, which have a positive sense for construction of harmonious relationship between human beings and nature in contemporary social, and shaping people’s spirit world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Wei, the natural aesthetic standards, Kong ling, clean heart, aesthetic practice
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