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The New Folk Song Movement Of Research In The 1950s

Posted on:2017-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482492969Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The new folk songs m ovement in the 1950 s, is one of the Chinese contemporary literature history of a special poetry phenomenon.Based on the research of the new folk song movement, can reflect th e contemporary poetry the merits of gain and loss, explore the twists and turns in the development of cont emporary poetry.The writer summarizes its basic situation and research statues at first, then compares it with other folk songs from the transverse and l ongitudinal aspects. Finally, restore its real features in literary and new poetry history. According to this clue, this article is divided into four chapters.The first chapter mai nly analyzes the dif ferent forms of folk songs under the background of the new era and old era.In this chapter, the writer makes a comprehensive comparison between the new and old folk songs from their performance, emotion and style. Finally, conclude the essential differences between them through the specific examples.The second chapter com pares the new folk songs with ballad movement of Peking University. Form which we can find out the Chinese intellectuals to poetry popularizati on of clues.T wo movement of the object, as folk songs, but presented the two distinct forms.The third chapter co mpares the new folk songs with Xiaoji nzhuang poem, a kind of poem which com pletely lost the characteristics of folk songs. As well as the new folk s ongs, the Xiaojinzhuang poem also created in certain ages, and was infe cted with t he style o f individual rights. To some extent, it can be re garded as the throwback of the new folk songs in the 1950 s, and it carries the political feature of the new folk songs to an extreme. Through the cont rast of the two, we can find the remaining folk characteristics of the new folk songs.The fourth chapter is written o n the basis of the first two ch apters, the outline of the new folk songs begin to emerge after a comprehensive comparison. The new folk songs m ovement in 1958 is a product of political and econom ic situation in a specified period, its emer gence provides historical basis for the resear ch of great l eap forward, but also bring negative influence to the development of contemporary poetry. As a literary movement, it is successful. But with the form of movement, it is the failure of folk songs.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new folk song m ovement, The great leap forward, New poetry
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