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The Research Of Quanzhen Biography Novel

Posted on:2016-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482467956Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Quanzhen was popular in Jin and Yuan Dynasty, which is regarded as the most important faction in Taoism. There are a lot of biography novels describing the Quanzhen masters. To consider The Biography of Seven Founders, The Biography of Quanzhen Sect Seven’s Causality, The Fairy History of Gold Lotus, and The Biography of Gold Lotus With Pictures as the representative, according to the research of Quanzhen biography novels, comparing the description of novels with history. At the same time, a comprehensive analysis of the novels’ stylistic features, ideological content and artistic characteristics, which can study the interaction of Quanzhen and novel.From the literary form, Quanzhen biography novels have a special style. Some adopt the combination of graph and word which is refreshing, reflecting the process of Quanzhen becoming secular and folk. Such as The Biography of Gold Lotus With Pictures attach the portraits in the narrative of Quanzhen masters’ appearance and life story. The different portraits show rich and full personality of characters, which makes Taoist immortals’ image more deeply. The authors force for real and draw lessons from the narrative tradition of historical biography. However, when in shaping the characters and their legendary experience, the authors added many subjective exaggeration and imagination, to carry forward the Quanzhen doctrine and a wider dissemination. In the history of the development of Taoism biography novel, they break the dull narrative tradition to preach doctrine simply.Quanzhen biography novel also deal with the relationship of history and fiction well. On the one hand, the authors record Quanzhen’s founding and the true stories of characters, striving to achieve credible, making the story convincing. On the other hand, they add imagination and fiction in the narrative factors of novels, making the characters richer and have more individual character, the plot more interesting and lively.In the ideological content, Quanzhen biography novel mainly preach the double life of practice aim and inside-and-outside practice of concept. The proposal of "Syncretism" also have a lot of performance in the novels.In the artistic characteristics, The Biography of Seven Founders, The Biography of Quanzhen Sect Seven’s Causality, and The Fairy History of Gold Lotus have more mature form. They used a lot of colloquialisms, slang, the tone of gag in the language of characters, making the keynote humorous, greatly weakening the religious atmosphere of the novels. Besides, a large number of images, such as lotus, peach and temple in the novels strengthen the performance of the novels, forcing the development of the plot. Moreover, the novels are interspersed with a lot of poems, elaborating the ideology and method of practice repeatedly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quanzhen, Biography Novel, Stylistic Features, Ideological Content, Artistic Characteristics
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