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The Research On The Relationship Between The Opera Of Italy And Its Aesthetic Horizon In 19th Century

Posted on:2016-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479493108Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Italy opera has entered its heyday in nineteenth Century. During this period, the emergence of a number of excellent composers, their works as a classic Opera repertoire, is still active in the world opera stage. While both the performers and viewers, in the understanding and interpretation of these works, can not escape the interpretation errors due to time interval and different horizon. In order to or better interpretation of these works of art appreciation, we should try hard into the composer’s life, to understand completely different from the historical horizon of our. Thus, so that we can guarantee to respect, respect, respect the original music composer script as the basis, the appropriate horizon fusion in interpretation of classic plays.Nineteenth Century Italy opera can be divided into the Italy national unity front of romantic opera and the Italy 1870 national unity after the Verismo opera. Romantic opera Rossini, Bellini, with do Nitzsch Siti and Verdi as the representative of the Verismo opera, with Maas Carney, Leon Cavallo and Puccini as the representative.By exploring the background of politics, life and society, we can understand the foreign occupation of the oppressed and the internal power of confusion, inspire the people the spirit of resistance to outsiders and a strong desire for the reunification of the country. The resulting impact on the opera aesthetic is a romantic opera in favour of patriotism. But after the reunification of Italy, the ruling class of good vision of the people made a series of burst, romantic opera to the world to be replaced with idealistic whitewash on the bottom of people in real life portrayal true doctrine opera.Verdi as the nineteenth Century opera career pinnacle "Opera master", in the creation of the opera can be said to be "set in a romantic realism precedent". He is very dedicated to the opera script perfect, through the study of the works of literature and music perfect fusion of literature and opera can contribute to a deeper understanding of related problems.In Italy in nineteenth Century, with different cultural background, on the Chinese is very difficult to accept and understand the foreign opera, we need to improve the art appreciation of the aesthetic subject of opera through the continuous efforts, promote people’s aesthetic needs to continuously push forward the development of opera, opera career in the Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nineteenth Century, Italy, opera, Fusion of horizons
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