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Research On The Reform Of Management System Of Non Material Cultural Heritage In China

Posted on:2016-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330476952025Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese civilization has a long history, in the 5000 year history of China, the accumulation of intangible culture heritage resources rich, the rich traditional Chinese culture and promote economic and social development and enhance national cohesion, the positive role of promoting the national quality. But with the urbanization process of our country modernization, accelerating, cultural ecology changes rapidly, and the influence of western culture, Chinese culture concept has undergone tremendous changes, causes a great loss to our country many intangible cultural heritage resources, even on the verge of extinction. Therefore, research on China’s management system reform and innovation of intangible cultural heritage, the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritages in China has important theoretical and practical significance to effectively.In order to analyze China’s current non existed in management system of material cultural heritage of the problems, and put forward the reform thinking of feasible, the author takes the quasi public goods theory as the basis, the use of public management and economics and other related knowledge, using theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, comparative analysis method and system of combining research, development of the management system of the intangible cultural heritage of our country was reviewed, and in-depth analysis of the current situation of cultural heritage management system of material and the main problems in our country, the comparative analysis of the intangible cultural heritage protection of the advanced experience of the advanced regions of non developed countries Japan, South Korea, France, Italy and Ningbo, Chengdu of China, resulting from the constructing "a new mode of intangible cultural heritage management of government leading, social participation, market operation, industrialization development" point of view, discusses the reform of the existing intangible cultural heritage management system in china. The paper believes that the intangible cultural heritage, first of all, to strengthen the popularization of knowledge, enhance the consciousness of national culture is the starting point of the reform of management system of intangible cultural heritage, is protecting and saving the characteristics of our country with the intangible cultural heritage of the ideological guarantee, but also strengthen the protection of intangible cultural heritage strength and effect of the necessary premise. Secondly, the government should play a leading role, to build a platform for the intangible cultural heritage, cultural heritage to expand the brand effect, so as to guide the non-material heritage into the market operation. Thirdly, the realization of the market-oriented operation of intangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage of the excitation of the living space and the economic benefit is to improve the investment and financing policies of intangible cultural heritage, so that more private capital can participate in the protection of intangible cultural heritage and inheritance of. In order to steadily promote the reform of management system of non material cultural heritage of our country, we should perfect the supporting measures, such as the protection of intangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage legislation culture management team, the government support policies, access mechanism, heritage market non heritage industry development planning. The above view hope to reform and perfect our management system to help non material cultural heritage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non Material Cultural Heritage, Management System, Rreform Study
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