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Cao Jingyuan And Classical Parnassus Of The Republic Of China

Posted on:2016-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470981737Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cao Jingyuan is a poet and statesman who is active in the period of the Republic of China, extraordinary refined, meaningful and sincere is the main characteristic of his poets. As the chief editor of Caifenglu magazine, he worked ten years as one day and took great pains to stick with the field of Chinese Classic Poetry, then the creation of the old style poetry in the Republic of China had been enlivened greatly. Lu Jiye described him as the only sustainer of modern poetry. But as such a warm-hearted and compassionate sustainer, he should be annihilated as time goes by. Up to now, there are no specialized articles for him.Besides the preface and conclusion, the paper is divided into four parts and each of them will be recommended as follows:The first chapter introduces the life and experience of Cao Jingyuan. There are three opinions about Cao Jingyuan’s birth year that are 1890, 1891, 1892, the conclusion of this paper is 1892. Moreover, the analysis of his poetry is concentrate on historical background with the purpose of analyzing the content and style of his poetry. His poetry is extraordinary refined and meaningful, concerns over the country deeply. Even if it is just for entertainment, he also strived to write out the national suffering.The second chapter recommends the intimate association of Cao Jingyuan. In the old folk’s circle of friends, he was in close association with some celebrities of poetry, such as Chen Sanli, Zheng Xiaoxu, and Mao Guangsheng and so on. In his young folk’s circle of friends, there are not only some people came from Man Club and Chengnan Poetry Club, but some politicians and university professor. Except that, Cao Jingyuan also discouraged and assisted the young poets as their mentor both on literature and life.The third chapter discusses the condition of literature salon that Cao Jingyuan hosted, analysis how he had made extraordinarily painstaking efforts on this work and the mindset of the other participants. He is a man of wide acquaintance, so the participant of the literature salon involves not only the intellectual who be fond of poetry, but also the politicians and even the people who were arty-crafty.The fourth chapter uses the word maintain as a thesis to discuss that Caifenglu played an important role of carrying forward the classic poetry and maintaining the Chinese Classic Poetry. During the publishing period, China was at a precarious moment, then the classic poet scattered. The appearance of Caifenglu had become the link of which can connecting traditional poets’ spirit. In order to run the Caifenglu magazine normally, Cao Jingyuan made great effort with the great perseverance and enthusiasm beyond the imagination. The event of the poem of moving which is the last large activity of classic poem salon. And it made great contribution to the research of Classic Parnassus and poets’ psychology.We can come to the conclusion that Cao Jingyuan had an extraordinary profound relationship with Chinese Classic Poetry. We can see the active scene of classic poems’ creation within a certain time during the Republic of China through Cao Jingyuan, it can be said that he promoted the activity greatly. Especially, through the Caifenglu magazine, we can found out that it maintained the Chinese Classic Poetry for 10 years without cease and has played a great sustain role for Modern Parnassus. In addition to that, the research of Cao Jingyuan could also provide us the mentality of the poet in the period of the Republic of China which could enrich history of literature with out doubt.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cao Jingyuan, literature salon, the poem of moving, Caifenglu
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