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Research On The Counteroffensive

Posted on:2016-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470964770Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The "Counterattack" semimonthly is the official organ of the Northeast Federation of Salvation. It was founded in February 1938 in Wuhan. In October of the same year, it moved to Chongqing, In February 1941, it temporarily discontinued. On August 30 th of the same year, it resumed publication. In May 1942, the Northeast Federation of Salvation has been revoked. Under the leadership of Gao Chongmin, the "Counterattack" semimonthly continued to publish in the name of "counterattack magazine", until the final issue on September 18 th, 1945. It lasted seven and a half years, published 17 volumes of its 94 period.The editorial board members of the "Counterattack" semimonthly mainly included:Yu Yifu, Guan Mengjue, Zhang Xiyao, Zhang Qingtai, Yan Baohang, Han Leran,Chen Xianzhou, Xu Zhonghang, Yu Bingran and so on. They were the main leaders of the Northeast Federation of Salvation. In the peak period of the journal, the editorial board members were as many as 61, including almost all the northeast well-known writers, scholars and celebrities, which exiled inside Shanhaiguan. The Communist party members Deng Yingchao and Lu Dingyi, the Kuomintang members Sun Ke and Feng Yuxiang, and social celebrities Huang Yanpei, Zhang BoJun, Zhang Shenfu and so on, also published their ideas in the "Counterattack". It opened half months review,communication, recite poems, report, northeast corner, field reports, northeast mailbox, northeast data, common sense of the war of resistance against Japan, the Japanese research, as well as the northeast youth and other columns, It was rich in content and was deeply loved by the northeast compatriots in exile. The "Counterattack" sold by the Shanghai Magazine Company, the Life Book Store and the Reading Life publishing house, also set up several battlefield sale offices. Even the national border provinces such as Xinjiang, Qinghai, Fujian, Ningxia had its readers. In seven and a half years of publication, it also encountered some great difficulties.The "Counterattack" semimonthly was rich in content. It not only focused on the analysis of the domestic and international situation and the current political situation,also vigorously exposed the brutal Japanese aggression and Japan’s various measures of aggression and conspiracy in the northeast and north of China; it was not only positively publicized and reported the anti-Japanese volunteers, the anti-Japaneseforces and guerrilla teams and other frontline soldiers fighting heroic deeds,summarized experience of the war of resistance against Japan to guide the people to resist on, Also raised up the fight to recover the northeast banner, called on northeast compatriots in exile inside Shanhaiguan to strengthen unity, and fights to the behavior of who attempted to sacrifice the northeast of China, compromised and surrendered to Japan; It not only actively mobilized people to join the army or support the anti-Japanese war, also concerned about the sufferings of the people of the northeast exiled people, reported their survival predicament, published their appeal, and so on.The "Counterattack" semimonthly was one of the important publications founded by the northeast compatriots in exile, which lasted nearly eight years. It had important influence on the northeast exiled compatriots’ anti-Japanese war and national democratic movement. It not only strengthened the northeast exiled compatriots’ determination to fight to get back hometown and fight to the end, also promoted the development of the development of the anti-japanese national united front. Today, the "Counterattack" semimonthly has important historical data value. It not only provides important historical data for the study of the Northeast Federation of Salvation and its branch, also provides important historical information for the study of national democratic movement occurred in the KMT-controlled area during the Anti-Japanese War.
Keywords/Search Tags:"counterattack" semimonthly, to recover the northeast of China, impact
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