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The Study Of Wang Wei’s Philosophy Of Life

Posted on:2016-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470964024Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Wei is a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty.and is a the famous householder represents of Buddhist, because of its poetry and painting works contained profound Buddhism called "poem Buddha", after death is renowned, Du Fu and Li Bai, standing in the poetic world. Wang Wei Life Science in Confucianism, mind sensitive, savvy high, due to the social environment and meet the life experience, formed his unique life philosophy. The thinking of the depth, breadth and creative life experience not only makes the literary works in the field of art unique faction, the more valuable wisdom of generations of life.The first part of this article first introduces the formation of Wang Wei’s philosophy of life and the background of the development of. This part explain the factors affecting the formation of Wang Wei’s philosophy of life, including the era background, family background and personality, life experience and in the process of transformation of thoughts. One of Wang Wei’s temperament and personal ups and downs of the life experience is the main reason for the formation of his philosophy of life, and the social historical background to become good soil formation of Wang Wei’s unique life philosophy. Subsequent analysis of Wang Wei’s philosophy background, mainly Buddhism and Taoism thoughts, and these thoughts for career and personnel changes in different periods show different performance, provides the thought origin of his philosophy of life.The second part discusses the main contents of Wang Wei’s life philosophy, including Wang Wei’s values, outlook on life, attitude and his meditation time. Wang Wei’s value pursuit of inner peace and dreamed of late relief "suitable" values from the initial positive Confucian, are changed with the change of experience. With the change of career and personnel, Wang Wei have a deeper understanding of life, such as to hold on life, such as the "empty" essence, then into the unique understanding their form a "raw" aerial view of life. Any of its natural concept of life is "suitable" values and "students" aerial view of life external show, and these formed with Wang Wei’s usual quality and time are inseparable.The third part describes the characteristics, the influence of Wang Wei’s life philosophy and its modern value. Because of Wang Wei’s philosophy of life is established in the whole life of the grasp on, so the analysis of the characteristics and the influence of its. And in Wang Wei’s philosophy of life as the starting point, it will be with people in modern society life with, combined with the current social reality problems, explore the modern value of Wang Wei’s life philosophy, with Wang Wei wisdom of life gives life, reflection and Enlightenment of modern people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Wei, Philosophy of life, Modern value
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