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The Social And Political Ideas And Activities Of Pobedonostsev

Posted on:2016-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470482997Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pobedonostsev was the famous Russian conservative politician in the end of the nineteenth Century. His conservative ideas are throughout his life, and continue to strengthen and consolidate. Pobedonostsev’s early education, laid the foundation for the formation of the conservative thought.In the reformed period, Pobedonostsev entered the Russian politics, and he was enthusiastic in judicial reform.But in the breadth and depth of reform than his conservative bounds, he did not hesitate to join the reform on the opposite side, became a staunch opponent of the reform. During participation in the Pan-Slavism movement, Pobedonostsev witnessed a movement disorder, and the failure of Russo Turkish war and Berlin peace conference, which makes his conservative stance firm. After the assassination of Alexander II,Russia’s modernization faced a critical moment to decide on what path to follow. Pobedonostsev succeeded in persuading that Alexander III refused Loris-Melikov’s liberalism reform plan, and issued an autocratic system of declaration to defend the country.Russian political reform had stalled, until the outbreak in 1905 the first of the Russian revolution. At this stage, Pobedonostsev’s power reached the pinnacle of his life.He had a significant voice,especially in the aspects of ideology, culture, religion, education. But even so, the autocratic system which Pobedonostev believed in, was not be able to save Russia, and Pobedonostsev also had to step down in the 1905 Revolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pobedonostsev, Russia, Conservatism, libertarianism
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