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The Research Of Zhang Sanfeng Legend Localization In Guizhou

Posted on:2016-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Same as Lv Dongbin,As the famous immortal of Taoism,there are Zhang Sanfeng legends spread in many provinces of China,such as Inner Mongolia,Hubei,Shanxi,Sichuan,Guizhou,Yunnan and so on,as a whole,these legends form an China Zhang Sanfeng legend circle.Guizhou as a point of the China Zhang Sanfeng legend circle,widespread Zhang Sanfeng legends form the Zhang Sanfeng sub-legend circle of Guizhou.But Guizhou was not the womb of Zhang Sanfeng legend,only one of the places which Zhang Sanfeng legend input.Zhang Sanfeng legends inherit hundreds of years today since they input to Guizhou,which have been branded deeply localization now.I put the Zhang Sanfeng legend in the field of communication to research the localization,in order to explore and analyse the factors of communication,the dynamics mechanism of communication and the expression of Zhang Sanfeng legend localization.The frame structure is made up of introduction,text and conclusion of this thesis.The introduction summarizes the source of topic,academic value,academic history,theories,methods and academic goals.It is almost a century about the research of Chinese legend, the Zhang Sanfeng legends are widespread,but only a few scholars researched about them,it’s blank to research about Zhang Sanfeng legends from the field of communication,so,I will try boldly,I hope the research can make a contribution to the method of Folk literature and art.The theories of Folk literature and art,Folklore,Culture-communication,and the methods of literature,field work,compare-analyze and history are used to accomplished this thesis.The text includes four chapters:the context of Zhang Sanfeng legend localization of Guizhou,the style and characteristic of Zhang Sanfeng legend localization of Guizhou,the communicate of Zhang Sanfeng legend of Guizhou and the expression of Zhang Sanfeng legend localization of Guizhou.The first chapter,I summarized the context which includes natural geographic environment,general situation of national history and culture,that help to bring about the communication of Zhang Sanfeng legend;The second chapter,I summarized the style and characteristic of Zhang Sanfeng legend,which had been localized,of Guizhou;The third chapter,I summarized three questions:the distribution of Zhang Sanfeng legends in Guizhou,the factors of communication and the dynamics mechanism of communication of Zhang Sanfeng legend;The fourth chapter,I main summarized the expression of Zhang Sanfeng legend localization,which includes three aspects:the localization of narrative language,the localization of factors of Zhang Sanfeng legend and the localization of Zhang Sanfeng faith.From the research that putting the Zhang Sanfeng legend into the field of communication,I think that similarity of geographic environment which provided objective condition for Zhang Sanfeng legend communicate to Guizhou;The internal reasons why Zhang Sanfeng legend could be inherited for a long time is the interaction of political culture,religion culture and folklore culture.In the process of Zhang Sanfeng legend communicate to Guizhou,the more common knowledge between communicators and receptors,the less heteromorphosis which is triggered by communication,the more success which is triggered by communication.Zhang Sanfeng legend which appeared heteromorphosis and localization are decided by the character of folk legend,it is the result of Zhang Sanfeng faith,which is also the result of culture self-identity and blend between lots of nationalities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guizhou, Zhang Sanfeng legend, localization
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