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Narrative Ethics And Discourse Construction-Modern China’s Land Reform Novels

Posted on:2016-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470476878Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern Chinese rural areas, there is a special historical period,this period, the Communist Party under the leadership of rural organizations launched a series of feudal landlords to eliminate exploitation, change land ownership as a means of promoting the social revolution in the countryside and then the democratic revolutionary movement—land reform movement. With the development of the movement, Ding Ling, Zhou Libo, Zhao Shuli, Ma Ja and other living writers will also be liberated his writings turned the campaign, created a novel reflect numerous land reform movement.In this paper, between 1942-1952 Contemporary Chinese Literature land reform novels for the study, in summing up the results of the study on the basis of the existing Researches,attempt from Dominant level and Recessive level, learn from the narrative, literature and postmodern discourse ethics theory of land reform Narrative ethics and discourse analysis of the construction problems. In research methods, the paper mainly uses text reading method and the historical and cultural research,focusing on the text and the historical documents of proof and reference.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into four chapters discussed.The first chapter discusses the transformation of the land reform narrative fiction. Mao Zedong’s "On the Yan’an Forum speech" as the argument began to tease out the three changes in the norms of political discourse, land reform novels occurrence: literary narrative level, the land reform novels turned home country and awareness artistic expression of political awareness, awareness of the relative performance of the family since the May Fourth Movement, the more ideological. Ethicaldimensions of literature, the novel highlights the revolutionary land reform discourse interpretation, the new national literary discourse gradually dropped to a subsidiary position. At the level of discourse construction, land reform, creating a novel means of socialist realism literary modernity idea to form a single "quoted literary style" new form.The second chapter discusses the ethics of narrative fiction land reform. Grand Narrative fiction feature exhibits from the land reform starting ethical people, when literary ethics towards ethnic, national,historical narrative led large literature has also become the subject of natural populations of the subject. So focus on land reform in the narrative fiction describes how cadres intervene, and how landowners anti-intervention, how to mobilize the masses of cadres, poor peasants in the process of how to become a hero, narrative focus will naturally shift to the construction of a new discourse and class dialectic of historical evolution. In the narrative of deep subjectivity of each class also will rise and fall.The third chapter discusses the relationship between land reform dialogue explicit and implicit narrative fiction. Revolutionary land reform has obvious narrative fiction features on the dominant level. In the literature face political norms, the land reform fiction writers can complete the self-instrumentalization based policy, reflected in the text,it is the masses "in addition to tyrants revenge", to establish a new social order of the body move. And in the implicit level, land reform fiction writer of self-regulation, it has led to the emergence of text rift.Construction of the three aspects can be discussed from a historical writer agitation and self-regulation, the ambiguous relationship between lyric and narrative, the new regime led discourse.The fourth chapter discusses the aesthetic pursuit of land reform novels. Land Reform in the pursuit of grand historical fiction narrative,but also implicitly inherit and develop the writer’s own artistic purport.Combing the land reform discourse features of the novel, it is not difficult to understand, in the aesthetic quality of art, fiction has its own land reform value. However, the limits of self-regulation of the writer is extremely limited, land reform in the artistic quality of the novel is without prejudice to the pursuit of its political rationality premise.Depicting rural wind from simple custom picture, reflect the aesthetic pursuit of psychological characterization, living with a poetic imagination of three colors glimpse aesthetic pursuit of land reform novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:land reform novels, Dominant, Recessive, narrative ethics, Discourse Construction
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