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Sui And Tang Dynasties Period Of Religious Culture And Political System Effect On Painting And Calligraphy Inheritance

Posted on:2016-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470462104Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Painting and calligraphy inheritance is the impact on the ideology, political system, religious culture, humanistic and geographical factors such as the inheritance and innovation of painting and calligraphy, painting and calligraphy of Sui and Tang Dynasties inheritance is a special stage of development Chinese in the painting process. At this stage, the field of painting expanding branch is more and more obvious, characters, landscape, flower and bird painting gradually become independent of science, the art of calligraphy to flourish, true, grass, Li, seal characters, five bodies are popular in the world, as active, masters come forth in large numbers, the style and intricate, works of painting history and painting theory rich liufang. Through the analysis of this period of social environment, ideology, style of painting and calligraphy category, individual survival state, education and other factors, all of these show the effects of the Sui and Tang Dynasties calligraphy inheritance by religious culture and political system. The in-depth study of the development situation of religious culture and political system and affect the way, will be beneficial to the further objectively reveal the inheritance of ancient calligraphy and painting China rule, has the profound cultural significance.Through to the religious culture and political system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties on the impact of the calligraphy and painting heritage of the investigation and analysis, improve the effect, development of religious culture and political system of creative content, calligraphy and painting creation ideas at the same time, but also directly decide the inherited form of painting and calligraphy. So the conclusion is: in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, improve the development of religious culture and political system has important influence on the actual painting heritage, this effect exists not only in mind the way under the function of indirect or hidden, while exhibiting characteristics of direct and explicit in the inheritance form. This conclusion is consistent with the law of development of human geography and culture, but also has the universal significance to study the whole history of Chinese painting and calligraphy inheritance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sui and tang dynasties, Religious culture, The political system, Painting and calligraphy inheritance
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