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In Recent Years The Development Of Henan Cultural Undertakings And Its Reference Study

Posted on:2016-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330464972303Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, International competition has been from a big power politics, politics into "economic competition", "comprehensive strength competition" and "cultural competition", Improve the country’s cultural soft power has become a national development strategy, highlights the importance of cultural development. Under such international environment, china attaches great importance to cultural construction and promoted it to national strategic height. And culture as an important part of cultural construction, is the important responsibility of the party and the government for the people, also is the important support of national culture, To strengthen the construction of culture is not only beneficial to promote the development of science and advanced culture, the reform of the cultural system, the satisfaction of people’s spiritual and cultural needs, and cultural construction is to promote the development of economy and the building of a harmonious society.The culture of Henan is not only related to the development of henan province for the improvement of people’s cultural quality, meet the spiritual and cultural needs, also relates to the henan cultural strong province of the realization of the strategic target, economic development and the building of a harmonious society. In recent years, the government of henan province attaches great importance to the development of cultural undertakings, the development of cultural undertakings accelerated. Public cultural service system construction in henan province has become increasingly perfect, to further strengthen public infrastructure construction, Cultural undertakings investment increased year by year, utility bills in the proportion of fiscal expenditure and cultural cause cost increase per capita;The reform of cultural system was deepened;Fruits culture art, literature and art high-quality goods play rise in the Numbers;Strengthening the protection of cultural work, Intangible heritage protection work smoothly;The cultural influence growing, etc.This topic is trying to deal with the subject of cultural development in henan province the current situation of the research in recent years the development of cultural undertakings in henan province and the achievements, At the same time in Beijing, Shanghai regional culture development for reference,Through the cultural undertakings, the construction of public cultural talent team, such as the supply of public cultural products for comparative analysis, discusses in the cultural development in henan province the problems and deficiency in the process, In view of the shortcomings, puts forward the corresponding measures to further deepen the reform of the cultural management system, excellent culture play a central plains support benefits;Increase the special funds input to the cost of henan cultural undertakings, broaden the financing channels, change the traditional reliance on the government investment pattern; Actively promote regional culture, urban and rural cultural construction as a whole, increasing capital investment and management of cultural undertakings in henan province, especially in cultural undertakings in rural areas, gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural cultural development;Attention to the cultivation of cultural talent team, and constantly introduce high-level cultural innovation talents, create more outstanding literary works, promote the development of cultural undertakings in henan province.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural undertakings, with reference to, the problem, measures
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