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A Report On The Translation Of Services Marketing(chapter One)

Posted on:2016-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L TaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis is a translation practice of the Chapter One of Services Marketing, Sixth Edition, written by Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner and Dwayne D. Gremler and a report based on it.The authors of Services Marketing, Sixth Edition who are famous scholars in services marketing have devoted their research and teaching efforts to topics in services marketing since the beginning of their academic careers in marketing. This text is for students and businesspeople who recognize the vital role that services play in the economy and its future. The book’s content focus on knowledge needed to implement service strategies for competitive advantage across industries. In addition to standard marketing topics, this text introduces entirely new topics, such as management and measurement of service quality, the linking of customer measurement to performance measurement. The translation of Chapter One of the text mainly covers topics of what are services, why services marketing, services and technology, the difference of services marketing, etc.The translation report consists of four different parts. The first part is the introduction of the text and the background of authors, and the description of status quo of services industry in China and the significance of the translation of the text. The second describes the whole translation process which is not a transition of source text to target text by the translator in a narrow sense but one should be done in a broad sense including the choice of the text, relevant preparation, the creation of target text, evaluation and revise, etc. The third is an analysis and summary of problems in the course of translation and the solution to them, translation techniques and strategies, the translation principles and standard followed. The last part draws an objective conclusion from the entire translation work.
Keywords/Search Tags:services marketing, translation practice, translation process, translation evaluation
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