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On The Power Of Satanical School Of Poetry Study

Posted on:2016-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330464452653Subject:Literature and art
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While studying in Japan in 1907, Lu xun wroted on the power of Satanical school of Poetry, this is not only the representative work of his early,but also an important articles before the May 4th movement. It reflected lu xun’s the early thought about Literary and Aesthetic. Therefore. this article is not limited to research 《On the power of Satanical school of Poetry》, but on the power of Satanical school of Poetry as a theoretical viewpoint and thought to be the research category.This paper will analyz the four aspects of on the power of Satanical school of Poetry.In the first part of the paper, we will introduce the historical and cultural context and ideological origin of on the power of Satanical school of Poetry, and make its definition clear so that we can understand its internal function and external features. Thus:on the power of Satanical school of Poetry has a profound historical and cultural context and the thought origin. From the point of view of the specific historical and cultural context, first of all, foreign aggression and the contradictions of National were becoming increasingly acute before modern China, so the survival and rich of the nation and the stronger of the military became the common theme of the literary and artistic creation. Second, a large number of western literature and western philosophy, political science, economics and so on was introduced into China. and affected the Chinese modern literary and artistic creation. Once again, China’s modern literature reform movement also influenced Lu xun’s creation, such as "Poetic revolution", "cultural revolution", the "fictional revolution" and "improved" of drama literature movement that led by Hang qichao. From the point of view of creation thoughts origin of on the power of Satanical school of Poetry, Lu xun was deeply affected by western thought, first of all, "the theory of natural selection" that translated by Yan fu and Darwinian theory and social Darwinism influenced Lu xun. Yan fu promoting the evolution of the thought can also see in moro poem force said. Second, Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche’s thought and lots of theory of western philosophy thought also lead to the formation of Lu xun’s on the power of Satanical school of Poetry.The second part is going to tell the internal function and external characteristic of the power of Satanical school of Poetry, the power of Satanical school of Poetry. It is a concept with Chinese and western cultural characteristics. It consists of "Ro-mantics"、"Romantic poet"、"The Satanica School of Poetry"、"The power of poetry ", It was created by Lu xun in the specific historical and cultural context. On the one hand, its internal function is a enlightening rebel spirit and philosophy of action, on the other hand, its internal function is also a aesthetic function,such as" Special use ", " Special education ". It emerged as the external characteristics of sincere, warm, real and lofty, it is a artistic style and aesthetic characteristics. Specifically, look at the inside function, the power of Satanical school of Poetry not only can inspire people, but also show its function that" Special use ", " Special education ". The reason why Lu xun choosed it was that many young people like it and they were the main force in the Chinese revolution. In addition, "The time background of romantic poet was born were similar to China." Special use " means that Romantic poet can develop our imagination and " tell the truth". Special education " means that literary is a special way of education so that it is different from general education. Look at the outside characteristic, the power of Satanical school of Poetry has the characteristics of sincere, warm, true, noble. Sincere is the sincere voice, It means that literary works is a kind of sincere feelings and strong spirit of resistance; Warm is the warm voice, It means that the voice of hope, the voice of the truth, and literary should emphasize the pursuit of the ideal, and show hope and enlightenment for everyone; Real is "true beauty", refers to the subjective emotion of creation subject, rather than a common experience.the authors must be pay their whole real emotions so that can complete the work successfully; Noble, namely, energetic, generous,it means that energetic, detest evil, the noble are the most important feature of" Romantic poet", sometimes it referred to a beauty of tragedy as " Romantic poet" ignored there lives in pursuit of the ideal.The reason why we comment the value and Significance of the power of Satanical school of Poetry in the third part is that it has a unique style and aesthetic characteristics. It has an important effect on the research and development of Chinese aesthetics, literary theory and Chinese comparative literature. First of all, the power of Satanical school of Poetry both inherits, criticizes and develops Chinese traditional poetry aesthetic theory, For example,It inherits the theory of The power of poetry "in Chinese traditional poetry aesthetic theory, it also criticizes that some theory are not perfect such as the "neutralization"," mindfulness", "quiet". Besides, it tries to develop the "masculinity" of the traditional literary theory into "noble" of Romantic poet. Second, the power of Satanical school of Poetry always thiked how Chinese literature can get rid of the present situation and find the best way, standing in the perspective of world literature. Again, Luxun used Impact study and Parallel study method of the field of comparative literature study, As a result, it had influenced on the development of China’s comparative literature.The fourth part will introduce the spirit of Satan on the power of Satanical school of Poetry,and find the connection betweent the spirit of Satan with Contemporary art production and modern life. The spirit of Satan, is not only a enlightening rebel spirit,but also a philosophy of action. It is a kind of spirit of active participation, and promote our pursuit of lofty ideals and encourage us to become the strong of life, the spirit of this unique paradigm, can exit with the idea of Constructing a harmonious society at the same time. In addition, the spirit of Satan create a kind of Nietzsche’s dionysian idealism of feelings, the feelings are full of strong, sincere, impulsive, and courage, it offers another life way for us, In addition to the poetic life many people want to eajoy in our today’s life.After through the above argument, The conclusions of this paper are that the power of Satanical school of Poetry that Lu xun put forward under the specific historical conditions and historical context has a enlightening characteristics,and it is full of characteristics of Chinese and western culture, on the one hand, its internal function is also a aesthetic function, such as " Special use ", " Special education ", on the other hand, sincere, warm, true, noble are the most important external style of art and aesthetic characteristics. At the same time, the spirit of Satan also is of great significance to our contemporary life.
Keywords/Search Tags:the power of Satanical school of Poetry, Internal functions, The external characteristic, Satanical spirit
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