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The Error Analysis Of Chinese“zhi(之)”

Posted on:2016-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461995231Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese “之” is widely used in Chinese,which is complicated and not easy to learn. As a learned word, it is still frequently used now. For people whose native language is Chinese, the usage of “之” is quite easy. However, for oversea students who take Chinese as their second language, it is not so easy to learn it well. Since the situation becomes more complicated when “之” appears as conversion word, thus the structure which consisting of “ 之 ” diversifies. When learning “ 之 ”, oversea students tends to have more error of “之” using. This paper focuses on the analysis and study of oversea students’ acquisition of “之”, and tries to provide certain help to oversea students.Based on theories related to second language acquisition and teaching, this paper combines form and meaning, theory and practice, dynamic and static analysis, and studies oversea students’ errors form a multi-dimension, tries to reach the objective and scientific standard.This thesis are divided into 5 parts.The first part: introduction. Introduce the background, current status and value of the research, and the study sources of this thesis.The second part: The structure study of Chinese character"之" itself. Based on the study of "之”,this thesis analyses “之” and its structure type,syntactic and syntactic features. Try to figure out the situation of how “之” is being used in modern Chinese,and thus guarantee the comprehensiveness of the research.The third part: The error types and causes of “之” learning for foreign students. This chapter, quoting the language database from HSK dynamic Composition Corpus and language database for foreign students in JiNan university, analyzes the error types in foreign students’ learning of “之” and conclude the various causes of such errors.The forth part: Advice for teaching of “之”. According to the error types and causes mentioned in part 3.This part gives some advice on teaching of “之”and it’s structure to help teachers, scholars and students in the circle of Chinese teaching for foreigners.The last part: Conclusion. Point out the innovations and deficiencies of this thesis. This thesis, though of some value, is superficial due to by objective and subjective conditions. Hope later comers can complete.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Chinese, “之”structure, second language acquisition, error analysis, teaching strategy
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