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Exploration And Innovation Of Shanxi Folk Dance’s Teaching Mode

Posted on:2015-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Study of Shanxi folk dance teaching mode has play a decisive role in the significance for the development of Shanxi folk dance in the future, the system work is the very difficult, in a few generations dance art educators unremitting efforts has become more systematic. In this paper, the Shanxi University School of music and dance is the undergraduate course "Shanxi folk dance" course as the research object, combining theory with practice analysis of the general overview of Shanxi folk dance of recent development and curriculum in the comprehensive bachelor’s degree national folk dance teaching in the process of setting and teaching content arrangement. Combined with the general education of dance education background, theory of knowledge and the Shanxi folk dance teaching content, try to put forward some new ideas in the teaching curriculum, teaching arrangement process. Hope to be able to representatives from several areas of Shanxi folk dance is divided into the south, northern Shanxi, Jinzhong dance in unity, to excavate its style and extraction of several large area folk dance with a common characteristic action, promote the Shanxi folk dance class teaching process.This paper is divided into four parts:the first part outlines the present China national folk dance teaching research and the status of the Shanxi folk dance in general research situation; the second part to the third grade Shanxi University undergraduate female class Shanxi folk dance "left right drama" classroom teaching as an example, and expounds the present Shanxi folk dance in comprehensive university in the process of teaching the basic situation from the aspects of teaching, classroom teaching structure, results show; the third part points out the classroom teaching of colleges and universities of Shanxi folk dance heritage driving significant; the fourth part tries to put forward the Shanxi folk dance teaching combination make a new view row.This article from the Shanxi folk dance, folk dance development of Shanxi professional college teaching in Colleges and universities, the platform of Shanxi folk heritage and development, and the implementation of the strategy of teaching Shanxi native culture into the dance of the four aspects, the exploration and practice of innovation to the Shanxi folk dance teaching mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanxi folk dance, dance teaching, teaching mode, exploration and innovation
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