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Studies On The Theory Of Culture In Marcuse

Posted on:2016-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A P LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461977500Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marcuse was a great philosopher in twentieth Century. His cultural theory reflects his thinking on modernity, the criticism of modernity and reflection of industrial civilization. And through the investigation of the essence of culture, Marcuse draws the liberation road of "the revolution of culture" as the revolution of the whole revolution, and puts forward a new way for the liberation of people.The article is divided into six parts:The first part is introduction. This part is based on domestic and foreign related works and paper, introduced the domestic and foreign research status of Marcus’s cultural theory simply. Based on the words, this paper points out the theoretical significance and the practical significance of Marcus’s cultural theory.The second part is the first chapter of the article. This part introduces the theoretical foundation of Marcus’s theory of culture, expounds Heidegger’s "existence" concept of Hegel’s "freedom" and "rational" concept and social critical theory have a profound impact on Marcus’s theory of culture.The third part is the second chapter of the article. This part takes "Cultural Revolution" as the main line, and expounds the connotation of Marcus’s cultural theory systematically. This part points out that we should emphasize the importance of high-level culture to the development of human beings, critic industrial culture, and open up the road of human liberation by the guidance of high-level culture.The fourth part is the third chapter of the article. In this part, the differences between Marcus’s cultural theory and Marx’s culture theory are expounded. The enrichment and development of Marx’s cultural theory is revealed by the similarities and differences between Marcus’s cultural theory and culture theory. The article thinks, although there are many deficiencies in Marcus’s cultural theory, to some extent, enrich and develop Marx’s cultural theory, even provide a new way for human liberation.The fifth part is the fourth chapter of the article. According to the concrete conditions of China, we point out the inspiration of Marcus’s cultural theory to the construction of Harmonious Society of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The sixth part is the conclusion of the article. The part of the paper summarizes the main thrust of the article and makes a prospect for the development of domestic research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural, Cultural Revolution, the Liberation of People
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