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A Study Of Han Dynasty Women Awarding System

Posted on:2016-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461967444Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nobility System is one of the main Chinese ancient caste systems, is a necessary means of maintaining social stability and consolidating the rule of order, and is an important indicator of people’s political and economic status. Ancient Chinese Women did not knighted earlier until Qin and Han dynasties, women have been granted the jazz number and fief.The majority bestowed are royal women.This article will be divided into three groups of royal women we studied, first group is concubines groups that having marriage with the royal, that is,the mother,wife of emperors; the second,the women who has has a direct or indirect blood inheritance with the emperors and the kings; Third one is the other women who closely with the royal family but no royal blood orthodox, collectively referred to Mingfu.Each class groups Awarding institutional performance are not the same, different levels of internal group of women also have their own characteristics. In addition, jazz number and fief amount is most identified as Prime Minister on behalf of women’s sexual function, it can directly reflect the status of women in the social hierarchy.Therefore, this article attempts to study specific to each type of groups, at all levels, and jazz number and fief amount Conferring as the main content.In addition, the geographical distribution of fief has a direct impact on women lord of economic, political rights, and this is the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasty have focused on performance. The Taxation is the most intuitive political interests and economic interests lords can enjoy, and the provision of food and the most essential connotation seal system. In this paper, we tey to present a comprehensive and systematic Han female Awarding System through a few specific questions a starting point for research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dynasty, female, jazz number, fief, Awarding system
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