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On Amplification In EST Translation From The Perspective Of Dynamic Equivalence

Posted on:2016-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Translation is the main way of the communication between two different languages. The ways of translating often vary in different literary forms. As an important English style, the translation of English for science and technology (EST) differs from other styles. The translation skill plays an important role in EST translation into Chinese, especially amplification. The application of amplification is coincident with the stylistic features of EST. At the same time, it reflects "Dynamic Equivalence" theorized by Eugene Nida and makes the translation more accordant. This report attempts to discuss the amplification and its application to EST translation, by utilizing the "Dynamic Equivalence" as the theoretical background. The purpose is to help the translators know more about the amplification and apply it into EST translation.The report consists of three chapters. In first chapter, the author introduced the basic concept and connotation of "Dynamic Equivalence" theory and its guiding function to translation. In the second chapter, the author discusses the relationship between EST translation and amplification, including the textual features of EST, the definition and necessity of amplification, etc. The last chapter mainly illustrates the application of amplification into EST translation, and this chapter contains grammatical amplification, modificatory amplification, logical amplification and semantic amplification.
Keywords/Search Tags:EST, Amplification, Dynamic Equivalence, Application
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