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The Evolution Of Hunan Miao Nationality “Drilling Bull Sacrifice” Music Under The “No Excessive Worship ” System

Posted on:2016-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper in the list of the Hunan Miao folk music forms complex problems of “Hunan intangible cultural heritage",aimed at connecting the historical and modern, and Miao in xiangxi folk music history of cultural value.Because the Miao does not have their own words, about the national culture is the oral inheritance. For the study of Miao Nationality in Hunan music history, only the reference of Han people in Xiangxi Miao sightseeing, of which the local chronicles of a historical record of the most.Since the Qing Dynasty from the Yong Zheng years "bureaucratization of native officers",a large number of Han Chinese officials stationed in Miao, Xiangxi area local annals written mostly by the Han Chinese officials, about the Miao, Xiangxi historical record has improved greatly than before. This paper takes the local chronicles of Hunan in Qing Dynasty and the period of the Republic of China is the historical basis, emphatically analyzes theinheritance and evolution of Hunan Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" music, expecting connect Xiangxi Miao folk music of the "ancient" and "now".This paper is divided into three chapters, by stages to study Miao in Xiangxi area in the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China period "drilling bull sacrifice" music evolution.The first chapter is on the Hunan Miao ethnic origins, Hunan Miao music culture attribute, andsince the Ming and Qing Dynasties area management policy in Hunan Miao introduced one by one, are introduced mainly in Hunan Miao folk music cultural background.The second chapter is based on the historical data, the analysis on the three stage of the Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" from the Ming Chenghua period to the Republic of China period evolution,i.e. the Chenghua to the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty(1465- 1722)is Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" music of the original period, Yongzheng and Qianlong period(1722- 1795) is Miao nationality "drilling bull sacrifice" music perfect period, Jiaqing to the Republic of China(1795- 1949)is Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" music e v o l u t ion p e r i o d s. B y t h e a n a l y s i s o f th e M i a o " d r i ll i n g b u l l sacrifice" music, analysis of music activities in the song, dance, performanceform and carrier of wizards, actor functions, outlines the evolution of Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" music, and summarizes the evolution rule. The third chapter is the evaluation of the evolution of the proposition of historical significance of "drilling bull sacrifice" music, summarizing the research idea.In this paper, the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period of local chronicles,survey report, travelogue as historical basis, focusing on analysis of Hunan Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" music in the change of social structure during the period of survival situation,think "Hunan intangible cultural heritage" stored some Xiangxi Miao folk music events, from Miao "drilling bull sacrifice" music cultural matrix. Expected this article for "connecting on" Xiangxi Miao folk music in the "history" and "modern" plays a promoting role.
Keywords/Search Tags:No excessive worship, Drilling bull sacrifice, Evolution, connect
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