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The Research For Zhang Jue Han Fei Zi Jiaoshu

Posted on:2016-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330479977889Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With years of study of Han Feizi,Zhang Jue who has thrown himself in the Han Feizi Jiao Shu(《韩非子校疏》)with almost his entire life.This book conducted rigorous research and accurate emendation on Han Feizi.On the basis of the full absorption of predecessors’achievements,and giving many original ideas,it is of great significance to research Han Feizi.This thesis researched Han Feizi Jiao Shu mainly from the point of collation and annotation,trying to clarify and find the achievements and value of the book,to point out the errors. On the collation,includes the following aspects: 1、Version selection,analyzed the reasons for Zhang Jue selected seven kinds reliable text. 2、Corruption type,summed up the 17 corruption types.3、Affiliated achievements,pointed out the textual distinguish and search for this album,version of the test,Recording research data in the process of Han Feizi collating test. 4、lack of collating,pointed out collation error such as not to be mistaken for false and inaccurate judgments. On the annotation,includes the following aspects:1、Annotation style.2、Annotation object. 3、Annotation feature. Like instruction、caution、comment、predecessors’ gain and loss.4、Lack of annotation. It pointed out deficiencies,like error of the annotation、comment should not comments、annotation is not accurate.
Keywords/Search Tags:HanFeizi Jiao Shu, Zhang Jue, collation, annotation
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