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The Birth Custom Research Based On Lampa

Posted on:2016-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330479976747Subject:History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reproduction is a necessary condition for the existence of one race, the human society has always attached great importance to fertility. Human society from primitive society to form a series of reproductive worship, totem worship, in a period of low productivity, wanted by supernatural forces to ensure prosperity race. Until modern society, the development of productive forces and technology, mankind can produce its own scientific management and interventions to improve population quality, achieve prosperity of the human race. Not only has the biological properties, more important is social property. Fertility is part of the social culture, with strong regional, ethnic, age sex. Tibetan Tibetan culture system dependent on fertility practices, Tibetan Buddhism, the myths and legends of the projection, which has strong ethnic and local, is the Chinese custom of fertility is an important part of a distinctive feature.In this paper, based on field survey data, the traditional birth practices Lombardi villages were systematically collected and collated and combined Lombardi people among customs, rituals, taboos interpretation of the interpretation of their culture. Lombardi village but also on today’s fertility practices carried out to understand and organize, compare the traditional birth practices and new fertility practices, on which the variation phenomenon and the reasons described.The paper is divided into five parts, as follows:The first chapter is Lombardi’s natural and cultural village fact sheets. Lombardi village about 50 km from Lhasa, Tibet belongs to a typical agrarian agricultural areas. This chapter Lombardi village location, the village, the livelihood patterns, daily cultural life were an introductory description.Motherhood custom research Lombardi village second chapter. Since then the chapter are in accordance with traditional and new customs controls were written thesis writing. Traditional birth practices in pregnant women to limit the action-oriented mill taboo taboo infertility women, food taboos, such as a detailed description, and its cultural interpretation. The traditional point of origin, production posture also carried out some analysis. Dreams also indicate the role of fertility practices were analyzed. Also discusses the new birth as a result of birth, place of production, such as changing phenomenon caused regression of traditional birth practices and variation.The third chapter is celebrating the rites of study children. This chapter focuses on the traditional side color, name, go three ritual processes and functions are discussed. But also its variability in the new fertility practices in the conduct described and analyzed. Finally, the emerging celebrate one hundred days, birthday celebration were analyzed and discussed.Research on child healthcare Chapter IV. Traditional poor health conditions, coupled with long working hours, mostly neglect of infant care, higher infant mortality. To prevent infant deaths, Lombardi village spread a lot of empirical supernatural medical folklore, with butter, rituals and other medical care for infants. This chapter focuses on one of the empirical medical folklore, supernatural folk recording process of certain medical analysis and its. For new fertility practices in medical folklore, modern health care measures how the security of its position were discussed.Changes of the heritage and customs of the fifth chapter of fertility. This chapter describes the inheritance pattern of traditional birth practices are discussed. Also view on fertility inheritance and change a detailed analysis and research. Finally, on the reasons for the change of fertility practices do a simple analysis. In summary, this paper Lombardi village fertility practices for the study, based on fieldwork, finishing the traditional and modern birth Lombardi village customs, and characterized by a certain degree of cultural interpretation and comparison.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tibetan, birth custom, culture, heritage, Changes
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