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Research Of Network Social Ethics To The Students Wechat

Posted on:2016-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ChenFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the rapid development of Internet technology, the development of technology led to the generation of instant messaging tools, in this context of the Internet, the number of Internet users each year showed a sharp upward trend. The Internet has changed the way people live, people are free to make online activities. The rapid development of science and technology in the 21 st century, in which the network data technology the most shine, network data more stable technology has made rapid development. In order to meet the needs of economic development, the volume of computers become smaller, and more and more data storage space, computer processing speed has made leaps and bounds, in this process, the network technology is rapidly developing, and led to the rapid development of the PC industry, mankind will enter the Internet era. Internet era of Internet users had a huge, ever-changing Internet industry, with extraordinary scientific and technological competitiveness of the industry and the fast pace of the show is becoming the emerging service industries. The continuous development of Internet technology, the growing popularity of smart phones and innovative new technology makes communication between people no longer present the characteristics of unity, the way people communicate has become diversified.Students micro letter as an important tool for social networking, making it more convenient to communicate, people become more wide range of communication, people’s social way to become more diversified, it gives the user to provide a new user experience mode. An increase in the lateral friends breadth and width. Seeking broader scope, it deepened in the longitudinal direction of the depth of dating. Horizontal and vertical together constitute the social network. But the development of anything has two sides, the development of science and technology as well, the development of science and technology has changed people’s way of life and production, but at the same time, will also have some moral issues, and even to produce criminal behavior. Micro-channel has its own development process, has its own characteristics of the development of micro-channel is a social networking tool, and is the most important social tool.Micro-channel for people to communicate and exchange provides a convenient technique offers the possibility of people communicate, where multiple values can be accommodated. Micro-channel expansion of the scope of social networking, make social base increases, micro letter also expanded the depth exchange of people, both people share their feelings, exchange, and may carry a higher level of contacts and exchanges. From the micro-channel rise development, the impact on college students, discusses the theoretical basis for Students micro-channel network social and ethical norms to be followed, through the Students’ micro-channel network social status quo and Ethics performance of an investigation, that the university students micro-channel social networking Ethics is due to technical, factors and actors pursuit of economic interests, coupled with lack of moral ethics of the lack of social networking and school-related. It must be combined with the government, relevant departments, schools and college students the ability to solve Students micro-channel social networking Ethics problem fundamentally.
Keywords/Search Tags:University student, Micro-channel social networking of WeChat, Ethics
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