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The Research On The Allusion Of The Chinese Poetry Of Jin Shixi

Posted on:2016-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Z XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470960450Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Huang Tingjian has ever said:"Since ancient times, people who are able to write beautiful articles can cultivate everything. Although many words are borrowed from what written by predecessors, they perfectly fuse in the article and manage to enhance the whole contents." Intertextuality theory emphasizes that every text is nothing but the assimilation and conversion of other texts. Therefore, literary creation is a process of innovation by getting rid of the shortcomings of the old and bringing forth the advantage under the condition of borrowing predecessors’achievements. And allusion is one of the display forms of reference and creating in literature.The study of Jin Shixi has always been focused by the academics. The poetry of Jin Shixi is commented like that:"the quotations are not prolix at all, and this briefness makes his poetry even more gorgeous than the normal poetry." However, the analysis from the aspect of allusion in his poetry is not common. As an analysis specializing in the allusion of Jin Shixi’s poetry, this paper has a quality of innovativeness and plays a significant role as the reference in the study of relationship between Chinese and Korean literature.Jin Shixi’s masterpiece, Meiyuetangji contains more than two thousand Chinese poetries written in his whole life, and many allusions of Chinese history and philosophy are quoted in it. This paper tries to explore Jin Shixi’s literary world by analyzing the allusion in his poetry. And the study viewpoint is put in Jin Shixi’s accepting process of Chinese classics. The process of Allusion is a process of recreation in which a poet combines allusions with his subjective world, which belongs to the category of the accept study and influence study in comparative literature.The study methods of this paper include influence study, accept study and social historicism, and it is made up by 4 parts.The introduction part is about the object, purpose and meaning of the study, research status and research technique. It summarizes the historical background, characteristics of the personality and life record of Jin Shixi, so as to demonstrate the richness of his poetry content and the feasibility of allusion. What’s more, this paper inspects the relevant research status to make clear the scope and content of the study.The main body contains three chapters-encyclopedia, language and the influence of allusion. Encyclopedia part contains allusions of seclusion and going into society. Language part contains the conversion of The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu and poetry of the Tang Dynasty. The first two parts observe the features of Jin Xihan’s poetry by classifying the allusions. The third part observes the influence of allusion on Jin Shixi by analyzing the influence of allusion on Jin Shixi’s value of composition and humanism.This paper believes that the analysis of Jin Shixi’s allusion in poetry one of the important study of Jin Xishi. Through the allusion study, the literary character of Jin Shixi can be explored and his psychological changing process can be investigated. the allusion can increase the connotation and persuasion of his poetry. Besides, his allusion was different in different period. For example, his early poems mostly quoted Confucian classics such as Four Books and Five Classics and after retiring from the public, he tended to quoted more classics of Buddhism, and all these reflect Jin Shixi’s changing process of his mind.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jin Shixi, Chinese Poetry, Allusion, Accept study
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