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A Project Practice Report Of The Translation Of Technical Documents Of Railway And Locomotives:

Posted on:2016-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470955547Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the acceleration of globalization, commercialization and IT application, the pure work of translation fails to meet the market demands for language service in various fields. To ensure the good allocation of resources, friendly service of translation, high quality of target texts and low cost of work, we should integrate the project management with the language translation. The translation project management is the practice which not only involves language transfer, but also is related with scientific use of translation tools and management of personnel, costs and time schedule as well as quality control. In addition, as China’s railway science and technology develop rapidly, more and more exchanges and cooperation in railway S&T will take place. If we promote the translation project management in the course of technical literature translation of railway system and locomotives, it will facilitate the international communication tremendously.This dissertation, at the outset, will introduce the primary methods of project management and systemically describes the railway S&T translation project management before analyzing the management process of translation project. This paper, in the end, tries to come up with some new insights for the project management in the future.This paper consists of four chapters.The first chapter presents an overall view of the background and features of the translation project and the source text.The second chapter includes the definition of project and project management, introduction to the four basic elements of project management, and finally a procedure of the project.The third chapter, constituting the main part of this paper, discusses the execution flows of this translation project and accounts for the difficulties and solutions in the three stages of pre-translation, translation and post-translation. The key point of this chapter is how to effectively control the time schedule and quality of this project. In addition to these, the author conducts the evaluation of the project in terms of three core elements of project managements, and makes an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the project execution so as to offer effective solutions. The last chapter is the conclusion part, which summarizes management experience of translation projects, and highlights what needs to be improved in the future work.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation project management, science and technology English, translation of technical documents of railway and locomotives, project control
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