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Study On The Dream Phenmena In "Zuo Zhuan"

Posted on:2016-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470460481Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Zuo Zhuan" is China’s first age support existing detailed chronological narrative history books, not only have a high historical value, but also have a high literary research value. "Zuo Zhuan" in 30 about the dream of recording, the content often consists of five basic structure of the dream by dream, divination, compliance audit, dream fruit, etc., its meaning deep, rich implication, thought-provoking, tentatively called this article The phenomenon of dreams, cultural connotation these dreams phenomena, artistic characteristics and its impact is research content of this paper.In this paper, "Zuo Zhuan", a book of dream phenomena involving almost say, not only in accordance with generally classify and organize the content, and generalize from these phenomena typical dream that one display position of authority and the right to speak society, and second, practical function and purpose."Zuo" author for understanding the phenomenon of dream dreams thrown off the sacred veil, destiny consciousness fade, shift the focus to human activity. Construction law article also compares these dreams phenomena presented, specifically its cultural connotation and functions, primarily will be attached to political needs, the implementation of Humanistic Education and ideal expression of the ministers; it set up a cultural narrative system, people expressed Jingde View of Destiny in ordered, the fortunes of the ruling class concept and ritual to cure people of morality, witch history converged view of life. From the perspective of cultural aesthetic contemplation, "Zuo" Remember the dream belongs to the author’s mental representation of political ideals, personal expression of desire by means of a means of virtual reality, full of sly wisdom beyond reality.In particular narrative, "Zuo Zhuan" mobilized various means:Romantic artistic, virtual and real mood to create vertical and horizontal opening and closing of the narrative structure, the causal now paved the way for mutual care, endless. Especially as a history book, "Zuo Zhuan" inherited "Spring" pen cut style, using Spring and Autumn Annals, Weiyantaiyi, meaning appraise, so content rich, vivid, based on more objective to retain the historical information.Based on the study, "Zuo" Dream phenomenon strive to be innovative, out only in respect of the characteristics and to study the psychology of art related phenomena arrest caught dream, dream concern aesthetic and cultural phenomenon and cultural narrative. People from the Spring and Autumn Period spirits belief in witchcraft worship, to believe in the dream experience of cultural background, think and explore the meaning and function of dreams phenomena, reveal a profound implication of ancient literature dream phenomenon, enhance national self-confidence and identity.At the same time, the use of traceable method traced to clarify the traditional culture dream phenomenon development context. The method of use of cultural studies to explore the potential implication in thinking encoding cultural identity among the dream phenomenon. Sociological research methods, reveals the dream role of ritual language of social integration as a standardized narrative. Using hermeneutics research methods to explore the phenomenon of the construction of the meaning of the dream, "Zuo Zhuan" and its impact on later literary creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Zuo Zhuan", Dream Phenomena, Cultural Construction, Artistic Characteristics, Impact Study
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