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Research Of Jiding Plays

Posted on:2016-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470453357Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ji Ding, a representative Chinese writer of drama, creating localdrama, has ever won “the Outstanding Achievement of ChineseModern Drama Award". His modern dramas are as follows: A Womanon the Sleeping Platform Made by Adobe to be Heated, Spring RainOn Mountains, An Unmarried Mother. Modern consciousness canobviously reflect in his these works. From the perspective ofaesthetics and creative devices, these works have significance andvalues. Ji Ding choose daily life scene in his drama. Modern dramamainly features simple language, vivid characters, and sincereemotion.Ji Ding’s new historical stories analyze the historical events andfigures psychologically and deeply with a fresh perspective ofobserving history, interpret the characters’ destiny under thebackground of grand history, as well as demonstrate calm thinkingand keen observation by seeing traditional view through characters’destiny. The historical stories’ research emphasize on integratingthe contemporary thinking and the real life into them. This alsoshows the historical dramas’ artistic charm.At present, more attention has been paid to the research on Ji Ding’s drama primarily reflecting in some parts of his works,whereas the study on literature value of the script itself isinsufficient. This article analyzes the literature value of Ji Ding’sworks through reading the text in details and using comprehensivetheories from multiple perspectives, discusses the artistic devicesof Ji Ding’s drama, and studies the creative features of drama’sthemes, writing devices as well as its languages. First of all, fromthe macroscopic point of view, this article adopts a variety oftheoretical comprehensive analysis to research on thecharacteristic of Ji Ding’s drama so as to make up for the lack ofcurrent research on Ji Ding’s drama script; Secondly, by discussingJi Ding’s drama performed on the stage, this article providesprobable reference for the script’s emphasis on performance effects;last but not least important, via researching on Ji Ding’s writingdevices, this article gives reference to drama from its creation to itsstage performance.Ji Ding’s drama has abundant writing resources, rich plots,complete script structure. There are two prominent themes. The oneis discussing human nature in real life and the other is ponderingover history. The script design can match the stage performance.The drama language is humorous, plain and elegant. In the processof creating the drama, diverse artistic means are put into practice,considering the status of the actors and actresses. The sense ofcreation focuses on the value of stage performance.All in all, Ji Ding writes his drama with full passion and sincereemotion. His drama highlights the goodness of human nature. Brand-new artistic attempts flow in his writing. As a contemporary writer of drama, his creation exerts deep influence on the development oflocal drama, especially making a great contribution to promoting thematurity of modern Chinese drama.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ji Ding, Drama script, Characteristics of drama
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