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Minority Writers "the Three Musketeers" Who Creating In Bilingualism In Yili Area

Posted on:2013-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467983110Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1980s, minority writers in Xinjiang region as well as their works have caused great responsein the literary world of China, in order to make a thorough research of this regional literary creation group,This paper choose three minority bilingual writers as the research objects, who are typical writers in Yiliarea, Xinjiang. In this article we call these three writers: Aikebaier·Mijiti、Alati·Asimu andFuchaxinchang as “The Three Musketeers” who creating in bilingualism in yili area. In this paper, weshould analyze the above three writers as a whole. These three writers: Aikebaie·rMijiti、Alati·Asimu andFuchaxinchang were all born in1950s and1960s in Yili area, although these three writers are of differentnationalities and have different mother tongues, Aikebaier·Mijiti is of Kazak origin、Alati·Asimu is ofUygur ethnic group and Fuchaxinchang is of Xibo nationality, but all of them were started their literarycreation in Yili area.Creating in bilingualism and can use bilingual complex thinking freely are the common advantage ofthese three writers. We can find the characteristic feature of complicated culture in their works, whichshows the influence of their own traditional culture and the Han culture.Their creating are all take root deeply on their own ethnologic tradition, at the same time, these threewriters are all continuously absorb the valuable spirit asset of Han Literature and Foreign Literature withthe help of Chinese language to broaden their view sight as well as enrich themselves. So their works reachto unique、natural and national in style, at the same time there are rich spiritual connotation in their creation.Their literary output which are writing in Chinese have widespread influence in Xinjiang and in our wholecountry.Take the novels of Aikebaier·Mijiti、Alati·Asimu and Fuchaxinchang for instance, Based on themultiple cultural context in Xinjiang, this paper mainly discusses the similarities and differences of thesethree writers in their text, and this article start with the multiple tradition of Xinjiang which provide theliterary thought of Aikebaier·Mijiti、Alati·Masimu and Fuchaxinchang, interpret the unique feature、characteristics of creations in the works of the above three writers, involving the significance and value ofminority writer,s bilingual creation.It has been presented that the historical significance of bilingual literature in multiple cultural context.Also, this paper take Aikebaier·Mijiti、Alati·Asimu and Fuchaxinchang for instance, to explore theadvantages and limitations of Chinese creation under the thinking modes of minority writers.
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